Author Topic: Feature request: To make it possible to choose a file encoding when creating.  (Read 4081 times)


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I'm using C++ and D projects. Last time I use the D language more frequently then C++. It is a nightmare to me to always convert created files to the UTF8 encoding. It is the rule that all D source files are always UTF8 encoded. So, when creating D source files it is sane to make them UTF8 encoded by default or let a user to choose an encoding when creating files. I've posted the same problem not long before but no results occured. Sad. Can anyone do the patch?

Offline Game_Ender

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So they ignored your feature request on berlios? and the patches you submitted? ;)

You could try you hand at the patch, I just had a look through the source and looks as if all the support is there.  The editor component keeps track of what encoding files has, and the FileManager saves files based on encoding.  So it really should be just another option to the Editor options menu and a few small code changes to set the encoding when a new file is created.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2006, 06:50:28 am by Game_Ender »