Author Topic: Weird Autorevision problem  (Read 4949 times)


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Weird Autorevision problem
« on: September 29, 2006, 11:00:30 pm »
Since a few days ago every time I build Code::Blocks the revision gets set to 0.  :shock: I thought it might be a problem with my working copy. So I checked out a new copy (trunk of course), and the same thing happened. :P Is it just me or is anyone else having this problem?

Here is what C::B tells me....

-------------- Build: sdk in Code::Blocks ---------------
Running target pre-build steps
tools/autorevision/autorevision +wx +int +t . sdk/autorevision.h
'svn' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Warning: could not open input file.
This does not seem to be a revision controlled project.
Revision set to 0.



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Re: Weird Autorevision problem
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2006, 11:13:33 pm »
Yep, noticed that over the last two days but haven't bothered to investigate yet since it wasn't effecting my workflow :).  Seems to have corresponded to when I updated Tortoise SVN client but maybe its a coincidence.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2006, 11:16:00 pm by nfz »


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Re: Weird Autorevision problem
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2006, 11:21:28 pm »
Yep, noticed that over the last two days but haven't bothered to investigate yet since it wasn't effecting my workflow :).  Seems to have corresponded to when I updated Tortoise SVN client but maybe its a coincidence.

Aha I just updated TortoiseSVN too.......

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Re: Weird Autorevision problem
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2006, 11:38:32 pm »
That is what I expected to happen one day, despite those people saying "this will never happen". :)
It is the reason why autorevision first tries to get the revision from svn rather than scanning the entries file.

Subversion 1.4 uses a new format for the working copy. The update is done automatically, you won't even notice it. But once the working copy has been updated, you won't be able to access it with clients linked to older versions of the Subversion library.

So, you should install svn on your PC, or you'll have to live with it for a couple of days until I update the tool for 1.4.
"We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: Premature quotation is the root of public humiliation."


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Re: Weird Autorevision problem
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2006, 03:42:36 am »
That is what I expected to happen one day, despite those people saying "this will never happen". :)
It is the reason why autorevision first tries to get the revision from svn rather than scanning the entries file.

Subversion 1.4 uses a new format for the working copy. The update is done automatically, you won't even notice it. But once the working copy has been updated, you won't be able to access it with clients linked to older versions of the Subversion library.

So, you should install svn on your PC, or you'll have to live with it for a couple of days until I update the tool for 1.4.

Ok I prolly should get used to using the command line client anyways. :)