Author Topic: The 27 February 2010 build (6181) is out.  (Read 176695 times)

Offline stahta01

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Re: The 27 February 2010 build (6181) is out.
« Reply #105 on: April 15, 2010, 06:30:03 pm »
Please, note that: sometimes at development process I add global variables or change them and when I close `global variables` dialog I expect they will be saved at that moment, but they don't. I think this example shows that behaviour of IDE in such situations is strange.

Note, never had the above behavior; but, had a behavior close to it.
Add a new global variables set; add entries to it.
Close the global variables window. Instead of using the new set it was using the old set of global variables.

After creating a new set of global variables, I must always remember to exit the window and then go back in and select the new global variables set.

Tim S.
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Offline critic

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Re: The 27 February 2010 build (6181) is out.
« Reply #106 on: April 16, 2010, 06:56:06 am »
May be my post is not clear (my english is poor) - I mean that global variables work fine (after I add new set it is applied by IDE after closing global variables dialog), but they are not saved to file system (save to prevent losing of made changes while IDE crash).

Another way - IDE can save these all setting to temporary files and when IDE crashes config is not lost, but at the next IDE startup it diagnoses that the crash happened and suggests to restore settings from temporary files (if data restored successfully - temporary files must be deleted). If settings are not changed after IDE startup temporary files mustn't exist - they must be created when user modifies IDE config.
The same can be applied to projects.

As for multiple instances of IDE - when settings of one of the running IDEs were saved the others must new settings (by supplying a question dialog box) to prevent overwriting.
I think it's normal and useful. It's a bit like in version control systems.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2010, 06:59:30 am by critic »

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Re: The 27 February 2010 build (6181) is out.
« Reply #107 on: April 28, 2010, 11:59:51 am »
 :oops: Excuse me for critics about Ctrl+Tab feature - it's my fault - I changed hot key from Ctrl+Tab to Alt+Left and Alt+Right and forgot about this.

Offline nanyu

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Re: The 27 February 2010 build (6181) is out.
« Reply #108 on: April 28, 2010, 03:01:14 pm »
May be my post is not clear (my english is poor) - I mean that global variables work fine (after I add new set it is applied by IDE after closing global variables dialog), but they are not saved to file system (save to prevent losing of made changes while IDE crash).

Another way - IDE can save these all setting to temporary files and when IDE crashes config is not lost, but at the next IDE startup it diagnoses that the crash happened and suggests to restore settings from temporary files (if data restored successfully - temporary files must be deleted). If settings are not changed after IDE startup temporary files mustn't exist - they must be created when user modifies IDE config.
The same can be applied to projects.

As for multiple instances of IDE - when settings of one of the running IDEs were saved the others must new settings (by supplying a question dialog box) to prevent overwriting.
I think it's normal and useful. It's a bit like in version control systems.

Can we just add a "Save" button on such dialogs ? or "Save all tabs setting" and "Save current tab setting"?

(after do save all...pls disable the "Cancel" button)?

Offline nanyu

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Re: The 27 February 2010 build (6181) is out.
« Reply #109 on: April 28, 2010, 03:21:45 pm »
when talk about the “Global variables" setting. There is a situation make me crazy...

1. add 20 global variables(gv) items to the gv setting which named "default".
2. clone the default setting to "setting2"
3. add some new gv items to setting2, such as : wx26
4. open a workspace with 10 projects. (I'll say this workspace as "Workspace1").
5. set the each project use the "wx26" gv item. (such as : add wx26 to prj's search pathes)
6. everything OK now. save everything..
7. close the workspace (close everything)
8. switch global variable setting to "default"
9. open another existsd project which use the "default" setting.
10. close c::b after close current project.
11. restart c::b 
12. open the "Workspace1"  (I forget to switch gv setting to "setting2")
13. now, I have to been ask the "no found wx26 gv.." at least 10 times.
     the gv setting dialog will show at least 10 time.
    I have do 2 test:
    test1 : every time I switch the to the setting2, but everytime c::b switch it back to default ...
    test2 : I create the "wx26" item and add to "default" setting...but c::b ask me next project also.

 windows xp. c::b svn 6181

Offline panda

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Re: The 27 February 2010 build (6181) is out.
« Reply #110 on: April 29, 2010, 11:17:46 am »
What does the " - Linux : none" mean? Can I  only download source code from svn? Howerver, I cannot download code from svn in corp.

Offline secks

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Re: The 27 February 2010 build (6181) is out.
« Reply #111 on: May 12, 2010, 05:27:00 pm »

Offline hakim

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Offline a14331990

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Re: The 27 February 2010 build (6181) is out.
« Reply #113 on: May 21, 2010, 01:40:45 pm »
When is the next official build?
I have seen it in the svn log
r6261 | mortenmacfly | 2010-05-19 17:59:01 +0800 (Wed, 19 May 2010) | 1 line

* prepared new logo
svn log > changes.txt
for details.
Is there any wiki pages like "Release Plans" or "Roadmap"?

a14331990 a.k.a Leo
« Last Edit: May 21, 2010, 01:51:52 pm by a14331990 »

Offline Folco

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Re: The 27 February 2010 build (6181) is out.
« Reply #114 on: May 21, 2010, 05:23:01 pm »,12156.0.html

We are eagerly waiting for a new stable release. :)
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