when talk about the “Global variables" setting. There is a situation make me crazy...
1. add 20 global variables(gv) items to the gv setting which named "default".
2. clone the default setting to "setting2"
3. add some new gv items to setting2, such as : wx26
4. open a workspace with 10 projects. (I'll say this workspace as "Workspace1").
5. set the each project use the "wx26" gv item. (such as : add wx26 to prj's search pathes)
6. everything OK now. save everything..
7. close the workspace (close everything)
8. switch global variable setting to "default"
9. open another existsd project which use the "default" setting.
10. close c::b after close current project.
11. restart c::b
12. open the "Workspace1" (I forget to switch gv setting to "setting2")
13. now, I have to been ask the "no found wx26 gv.." at least 10 times.
the gv setting dialog will show at least 10 time.
I have do 2 test:
test1 : every time I switch the to the setting2, but everytime c::b switch it back to default ...
test2 : I create the "wx26" item and add to "default" setting...but c::b ask me next project also.
windows xp. c::b svn 6181