OK, Live with the crashes... You can't be helped
PMJI, but that's a problem I've been experiencing too:
When C::B abruptly terminates for any reason (might not even be C::B fault), most of the time, a part of the project is lost. Or at least, the latest modifications are lost (such as files recently appened to the project, etc.).
It would be nice if anything that is saved in the config would be written to disk and flush() committed immediately, to minimize the risk of ending up with an obsolete and/or corrupted config file. I think that this is what Critic meant.
C::B crashes very rarely under me (even though I'm running bleeding edge nigthly builds, 6203 as of today, courtesy of Jens Lody's repositories, mucho thanks Jens).
But in the rare occasions when I had a problem, I ended up with missing items in my project. Even though I have Autosave set to 4 mn on both sources and project, BTW.
I guess this can be simulated quite easily by abruptly ending the C::B process.