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This is OT here, please use C++ forums for this kind of questions.
I do not believe this, WHERE has someone said I tried the program you listed on my computer and it works good. with 10 bytes , 

Maybe about 24 hours ago ago I spend a few minutes looking for a link to donate money to the project, I could not find it, maybe I should ask my bank where the link is.
I went to bed last thinking I am getting some value out of Code::Block, I was really looking forward to making a donation. BUT the replied I am getting now, I am going to wipe Code::Blocks off the system and try out come other C++ program, and if I get banned from this group that will be one sure way that some other C++ project gets some donation from me.         

Suggest looking up the term "Help Vampire" because I think you will likely be labeled one in the future.
Read this website rules and the FAQs I posted if you wish to continue on this website!

Tim S.
This is OT here, please use C++ forums for this kind of questions.
I do not believe this, WHERE has someone said I tried the program you listed on my computer and it works good. with 10 bytes , 

Maybe about 24 hours ago ago I spend a few minutes looking for a link to donate money to the project, I could not find it, maybe I should ask my bank where the link is.
I went to bed last thinking I am getting some value out of Code::Block, I was really looking forward to making a donation. BUT the replied I am getting now, I am going to wipe Code::Blocks off the system and try out come other C++ program, and if I get banned from this group that will be one sure way that some other C++ project gets some donation from me.         
This is OT here, please use C++ forums for this kind of questions.
I do not believe this, WHERE has someone said I tried the program you listed on my computer and it works good. with 10 bytes , 
Link to help you know what is On Topic instead of Off Topic (OT),9996.0.html
Link to FAQs

Tim S.
This is OT here, please use C++ forums for this kind of questions.
Perhaps the 10 bytes is related to the fact that functions like printf() and scanf() use the default Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime (MSVCR) library functions, which allow only 64-bit floating points, but MinGW uses its own 80-bit implementation.
Keep in mind that results depend on the platform. CodeBlocks/GCC on 32-bit Windows computers show 12 bytes as the result, and 64-bit Windows show 16 bytes for long double. See attached screenshot and I hope this helps
I have just registered on the forum.
I also had to enter "2024".
So the problem is still not fixed.

Is it not possible to get the year off the server with PHP,  or maybe get the month off the server with PHP and ask the human for that.
It has been a couple of decades now since I used PHP to make a visitor record, on a txt file.   
The book says 10 bytes the program below says 8 bytes

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << "The size of bool   is:\t" << sizeof(bool) << " bytes.\n";  //1
    cout << "The size of char   is:\t" << sizeof(char) << " bytes.\n";   //1
    cout << "The size of short  is:\t" << sizeof(short) << " bytes.\n";  //2
    cout << "The size of int    is:\t" << sizeof(int) << " bytes.\n";    //4
    cout << "The size of float  is:\t" << sizeof(float) << " bytes.\n";  //4
    cout << "The size of long   is:\t" << sizeof(long) << " bytes.\n";   //4
    cout << "The size of double is:\t" << sizeof(double) << " bytes.\n";  //8
    cout << "\n";

   cout << "The size of unsigned short int is:\t" << sizeof(unsigned short int) << " bytes.\n"; //2
   cout << "The size of unsigned long int is:\t" << sizeof(unsigned long int) << " bytes.\n"; //2
   cout << "The size of long int  is:\t\t" << sizeof(long int) << " bytes.\n"; //4
    cout << "The size of wchar_t is:\t\t\t" << sizeof(wchar_t) << " bytes.\n"; //2
    cout << "The size of unsigned int is:\t\t" << sizeof(unsigned int) << " bytes.\n"; //4
    cout << "The size of long double is:\t\t" << sizeof(long double) << " bytes.\n"; //8
    return 0;
General (but related to Code::Blocks) / Re: Problem with SFML 2.0 libraries
« Last post by stahta01 on September 07, 2024, 02:11:25 pm »
If you are still using the ucrt environment of MSYS2, you can get their binary package of SFML via

pacman -S mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-sfml

Doing so currently will get you SFML 2.6.1

That package name is for the UCRT64 environment.

Tim S.
General (but related to Code::Blocks) / Re: Problem with SFML 2.0 libraries
« Last post by everSome on September 07, 2024, 01:10:17 pm »
If you are still using the ucrt environment of MSYS2, you can get their binary package of SFML via

pacman -S mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-sfml

Doing so currently will get you SFML 2.6.1
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