Help / Re: clangd code completion
« Last post by juxin5 on Today at 10:07:46 am »
I'm going to guess the problem is caused by the space in "Program Files".
Clangd is essentially a Linux program which cannot handle spaces in file names.
We now need to determine if that is actually the problem.
First: Tell us how you start CodeBlocks so that we can then tell you how to turn the clangd_client logs on.
Then we can read the log to see what Clangd_client thinks the problem is.
Thanks for your patients.
thx for the reply.
So I unzip the 3 .7z file (CB_20240807_rev13539_win64, wxmsw32u_gcc_cb_wx325_2D_gcc1410-mingw64, Mingw64dlls14.1.0)
into the same folder and start codeblocks.exe in it.