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Nightly builds / Re: The 14 June 2024 build (13529) is out.
« Last post by Elena on Today at 01:41:48 pm »
Hi, I hope this message will be noticed. I did not open a new topic because it is definitely related to build 13529 and over.

I also have experienced major slowdowns since b13529.
What I wanted to point out is that the culprit was indeed Browse Tracker, I disabled it and now everything is fine as before.
At the moment of writing this, current NB is 13600 and the problem is *still present*. Therefore, I simply have to keep the plugin disabled. Hope this helps.
Therefore, please consider fixing the plugin, which is causing major slowdowns since b13529

@ollydbg, this is good progress. Could you please check my comment ?

Thanks, Christo

Thanks, actually, that code is created by some AI, and I know little about how the terminal works.

I create an issue about the reading of the console text here with some of by debug result.

Windows console text does not show correctly  Issue #1 asmwarrior/TerminalWx
Development / Re: Configuring CodeBlocks Build for Flatpak
« Last post by dthu on Today at 02:06:33 am »
In my local tests it works fine, I've also compiled, used valgrin and gdb. I assume the errors are due to the package being configured to support Wayland, but that has since been removed, hopefully that will fix the errors.
Clearly some software needs to be added to the environment, my plan is to just add some, because the CodeBlocks sandbox will always be limited.
Development / Re: Configuring CodeBlocks Build for Flatpak
« Last post by stahta01 on Today at 01:40:16 am »
Since Code::Blocks is often reported as not working in flatpaks I suggest getting it to work is the first step.

Tim S.
Development / Configuring CodeBlocks Build for Flatpak
« Last post by dthu on Today at 01:13:08 am »
Hi everyone,

I've updated the CodeBlocks Flatpak to the latest SDK. I'd also like to add dependencies via the plugin system, this environment requires modifying the CodeBlocks configuration so that the libraries are found. This can clearly be done by hand but I doubt most people know how the directories are organized. Is there a way to modify the source to customize the CodeBlocks examples and have them run directly without user intervention? I'd mainly like to know if it's relatively easy or if there are too many files to modify, in which case I'd rule it out.
@ollydbg, this is good progress. Could you please check my comment ?

Thanks, Christo
Using Code::Blocks / Using Code::Blocks on a Chromebook
« Last post by hat_tries_to_code on Yesterday at 06:41:16 pm »
What version should I download to use on a HP Chromebook x360?
I am new, I am here
I do have a question. What version of Code::Blocks should I download on a Chromebook?
I tried, and derived a new class named "TerminalWxWin", and it use the winpty library from msys2/mingw.

The final result is: some text is shown in the main frame, see below, but still far from usage, I can't enter any text, and the input text does not show fully.

See image shot below.

I have push my changes to my code repo:

I think you are in for a  steep learning curve. Code::Blocks itself uses wxWidgets to implement its GUI. You could also use it if need be. In addition, the Font used to display your Arabic script may well make a difference. A quick look at Unicode Blocks that mention Arabic shows:
Arabic                                  0600
Arabic Supplement                       0750
Arabic Extended-B                       0870
Arabic Extended-A                       08A0
Arabic Presentation Forms-A             FB50
Arabic Presentation Forms-b             FE70
Arabic Extended-C                      10EC0
Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols 1EE00

Note that any code points above 10000 will force the usage of surrogate pairs when using UTF-16, as Unicode uses 21 bits to denote code points. You might want to look at the following:
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