Help / Dark mode question
« Last post by J0NI on February 10, 2025, 09:43:53 am »Hello. Does anyone know how I can change the rest of the UI to also be in dark mode instead of just the editor?
As usual while waiting for the next release - don't forget to check the nightly builds in the forum.
EVT_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED(idOpenFilesTree, OpenFilesListPlugin::OnTreeItemActivated)
@ ollydbg
Thanks for doing all this testing.
I moved the forced TempParse update to before the .conf write.
That seemed to do the trick.
When you get a chance, would you test to see if I'm doing any better. So far, I'm batting 0 for 5.
I'll remove all the "**debugging**" tags and statements before any commit.
if ( (projectsCount==0) and isTempParser and globalOptionChanged)
// When no projects exists but the CB main settings have been changed,
// force the TempParser to reread settings/options else stale ones
// will be set and displayed on the next use of MenuBar/Settings/Editor/CodeCompletion dialog
// #warning CodeCompletion: Remove the **Debugging** statements before commiting
// bool oldWhileTypingStatus = m_Options.whileTyping; // **Debugging** //(ph 2025/02/08)
ReadOptions(); //force TempParser to update its settings
// bool actualWhileTypingStatus = m_Options.whileTyping; // **Debugging** //(ph 2025/02/08)
allowGlobalUpdate = true;
Index: ccoptionsdlg.cpp
--- ccoptionsdlg.cpp (revision 13610)
+++ ccoptionsdlg.cpp (working copy)
@@ -183,6 +183,12 @@
void CCOptionsDlg::OnApply()
+ cbProject* pProject = Manager::Get()->GetProjectManager()->GetActiveProject();
+ // Remember the project that changed the .conf data //(ph 2025/02/04)
+ m_ParseManager->SetOptsChangedByProject(pProject);
+ // Renember the Parser that changed the .conf data //(ph 2025/02/04)
+ m_ParseManager->SetOptsChangedByParser(&(m_ParseManager->GetParser())); //(ph 2025/02/07)
ConfigManager* cfg = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("code_completion"));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Index: parsemanager.h
--- parsemanager.h (revision 13610)
+++ parsemanager.h (working copy)
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
#include "parsemanager_base.h"
#include "parser/parser.h"
-#include <queue>
-#include <map>
+//unused #include <queue>
+// unused #include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
@@ -258,6 +258,14 @@
void SetSymbolsWindowHasFocus(bool trueOrFalse){ m_SymbolsWindowHasFocus = trueOrFalse;}
bool GetSymbolsWindowHasFocus(){return m_SymbolsWindowHasFocus;}
+ // Set or return Project that changed "Global setting" in workspace
+ cbProject* GetOptsChangedByProject(){ return m_pOptsChangedProject;}
+ void SetOptsChangedByProject(cbProject* pProject){m_pOptsChangedProject = pProject;}
+ // Set or return Parser that changed "Global setting" in Single File workspace
+ ParserBase* GetOptsChangedByParser(){ return m_pOptsChangedParser;}
+ void SetOptsChangedByParser(ParserBase* pParserBase){m_pOptsChangedParser = pParserBase;}
+ ParserBase* GetTempParser(){return m_TempParser;}
/** When a Parser is created, we need a full parsing stage including:
* 1, parse the priority header files firstly.
@@ -474,11 +482,12 @@
bool RemoveProjectFromParser(cbProject* project);
typedef std::pair<cbProject*, ParserBase*> ProjectParserPair;
typedef std::list<ProjectParserPair> ParserList;
- /** a list holing all the cbp->parser pairs, if in one parser per project mode, there are many
+ /** a list holding all the cbp->parser pairs, if in one parser per project mode, there are many
* many pairs in this list. In one parser per workspace mode, there is only one pair, and the
* m_ParserList.begin()->second is the common parser for all the projects in workspace.
@@ -527,6 +536,11 @@
bool m_ClassBrowserViewIsStale = true;
bool m_SymbolsWindowHasFocus = false;
+ //The latest project to change the .conf file //(ph 2025/02/04)
+ cbProject* m_pOptsChangedProject = nullptr;
+ //The latest parser to change the .conf file //(ph 2025/02/04)
+ ParserBase* m_pOptsChangedParser = nullptr;
Index: parser/parser.cpp
--- parser/parser.cpp (revision 13610)
+++ parser/parser.cpp (working copy)
@@ -32,9 +32,10 @@
#include "parser.h"
#include "parserthreadedtask.h"
+#include "../parsemanager.h" //(ph 2025/02/04)
#include "../classbrowser.h"
-#include "../classbrowserbuilderthread.h"
+//unused - #include "../classbrowserbuilderthread.h"
#ifndef CB_PRECOMP
@@ -921,19 +922,66 @@
void Parser::WriteOptions()
+ //(ph 2025/02/06) Global settings bug fix
+ //https://forums.codeblocks.org/index.php/topic,25955 Hiccups while typing
+ // Assemble status to check if a Parser or Project changed a global setting.
+ ProjectManager* pPrjMgr = Manager::Get()->GetProjectManager();
+ cbProject* pActiveProject = pPrjMgr->GetActiveProject();
+ ParseManager* pParseMgr = (ParseManager*)m_Parent;
+ ParserBase* pParser = &(pParseMgr->GetParser());
+ ParserBase* pTempParser = pParseMgr->GetTempParser();
+ cbProject* pOptsChangerProject = pParseMgr->GetOptsChangedByProject();
+ int projectsCount = pPrjMgr->GetProjects()->size();
+ bool isTempParser = pTempParser == pParser;
+ bool globalOptionChanged = pParseMgr->GetOptsChangedByParser() or pParseMgr->GetOptsChangedByProject();
ConfigManager* cfg = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("code_completion"));
- // Page "Code Completion"
- cfg->Write(_T("/use_SmartSense"), m_Options.useSmartSense);
- cfg->Write(_T("/while_typing"), m_Options.whileTyping);
+ // **Debugging** use this global to verify logic (cached values)
+ bool OldWhileTypingStatus = m_Options.whileTyping;
+ asm("nop"); // **Debugging** set brkpt here
- // Page "C / C++ parser"
- cfg->Write(_T("/parser_follow_local_includes"), m_Options.followLocalIncludes);
- cfg->Write(_T("/parser_follow_global_includes"), m_Options.followGlobalIncludes);
- cfg->Write(_T("/want_preprocessor"), m_Options.wantPreprocessor);
- cfg->Write(_T("/parse_complex_macros"), m_Options.parseComplexMacros);
- cfg->Write(_T("/platform_check"), m_Options.platformCheck);
+ // Do not allow stale parser settings to change the global settings
+ bool allowGlobalUpdate = false;
+ if ( (projectsCount == 0) and globalOptionChanged)
+ allowGlobalUpdate = true; //Single file settings changes
+ if (projectsCount and (pOptsChangerProject == pActiveProject) )
+ allowGlobalUpdate = true; // changes made by a project
+ if ( (projectsCount==0) and isTempParser and globalOptionChanged)
+ {
+ // When no projects exists but the CB main settings have been changed,
+ // force the TempParser to reread settings/options else stale ones
+ // will be set and displayed on the next use of MenuBar/Settings/Editor/CodeCompletion dialog
+ #warning CodeCompletion: Remove the **Debugging** statements before commiting
+ bool oldWhileTypingStatus = m_Options.whileTyping; // **Debugging** //(ph 2025/02/08)
+ ReadOptions(); //force TempParser to update its settings
+ bool actualWhileTypingStatus = m_Options.whileTyping; // **Debugging** //(ph 2025/02/08)
+ allowGlobalUpdate = true;
+ }
+ if (not globalOptionChanged)
+ allowGlobalUpdate = false; // no global settings have changed
+ if (allowGlobalUpdate)
+ {
+ // Page "Code Completion"
+ cfg->Write(_T("/use_SmartSense"), m_Options.useSmartSense);
+ cfg->Write(_T("/while_typing"), m_Options.whileTyping);
+ // Page "C / C++ parser"
+ cfg->Write(_T("/parser_follow_local_includes"), m_Options.followLocalIncludes);
+ cfg->Write(_T("/parser_follow_global_includes"), m_Options.followGlobalIncludes);
+ cfg->Write(_T("/want_preprocessor"), m_Options.wantPreprocessor);
+ cfg->Write(_T("/parse_complex_macros"), m_Options.parseComplexMacros);
+ cfg->Write(_T("/platform_check"), m_Options.platformCheck);
+ }
+ if ((projectsCount == 0) and isTempParser and globalOptionChanged)
+ {
+ // The global settings changed status can now be reset
+ pParseMgr->SetOptsChangedByParser(nullptr);
+ pParseMgr->SetOptsChangedByProject(nullptr);
+ }
// Page "Symbol browser"
cfg->Write(_T("/browser_show_inheritance"), m_BrowserOptions.showInheritance);
cfg->Write(_T("/browser_expand_ns"), m_BrowserOptions.expandNS);
Index: resources/manifest.xml
--- resources/manifest.xml (revision 13610)
+++ resources/manifest.xml (working copy)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<SdkVersion major="1" minor="10" release="0" />
<Plugin name="CodeCompletion">
<Value title="Code completion" />
- <Value version="1.0.5 24/01/29" />
+ <Value version="1.0.6 25/02/8" />
<Value description="This plugin provides a symbols browser for your projects and code-completion inside the editor.
I debugged your patch, and I found it still has logic errors, here is my steps:
1, start the debuggee C::B
2, load a cbp file
3, change some CC setting(from the code completion plugin's setting dialog)
4, close the cbp
5, change some CC setting(from the code completion plugin's setting dialog)
6, exit the debugee C::B
Note that from my point of view, in step 5, when I open the CC setting dialog, and change some settings, when I close the dialog, I need to "Save the setting to the configure file).
But actually, it is NOT.
From 38063feccee0827493c153f71c4e102f9d15428c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: asmwarrior <hidden@example.com>
Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2025 11:09:06 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] - compilergcc plugin: fix build warning in the depslib, see
discussion here:
%I64d or %lld in the plugins\compilergcc\depslib\src\cache.c
src/plugins/compilergcc/depslib/src/cache.c | 23 +++++++++++++++------
src/plugins/compilergcc/depslib/src/hash.c | 7 +++++--
2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/plugins/compilergcc/depslib/src/cache.c b/src/plugins/compilergcc/depslib/src/cache.c
index 8e90756f..1d2f8211 100644
--- a/src/plugins/compilergcc/depslib/src/cache.c
+++ b/src/plugins/compilergcc/depslib/src/cache.c
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
#include "newstr.h"
#include "cache.h"
+/* C::B patch: Compatibility with 64 bit compiler / OS*/
+# include "inttypes.h" // PRId64
#include "depslib.h" /* for struct depsStats */
extern struct depsStats g_stats;
@@ -138,10 +141,14 @@ void cache_read(const char *path)
/* C::B patch: Compatibility with 64 bit compiler / OS */
- #if defined(_WIN64)
- sscanf(buf, "%I64d %n", &timeval, &n);
+ #if (_USE_LONG_TIME_T)
+ sscanf(buf, "%ld %n", &timeval, &n);
- sscanf(buf, "%lld %n", &timeval, &n);
+ #if defined(PRId64)
+ sscanf(buf, "%" PRId64 " %n", &timeval, &n);
+ #else
+ sscanf(buf, "%lld %n", &timeval, &n);
+ #endif
h = hdr_enter (buf + n);
h->time = timeval;
@@ -169,10 +176,14 @@ void cache_write(const char *path)
LIST *l;
/* C::B patch: Compatibility with 64 bit compiler / OS */
- #if defined(_WIN64)
- fprintf(f, "%I64d %s\n", h->time, h->file);
+ #if (_USE_LONG_TIME_T)
+ fprintf(f, "%ld %s\n", h->time, h->file);
- fprintf(f, "%lld %s\n", h->time, h->file);
+ #if defined(PRId64)
+ fprintf(f, "%" PRId64 " %s\n", h->time, h->file);
+ #else
+ fprintf(f, "%lld %s\n", h->time, h->file);
+ #endif
for (l = h->includes; l; l = list_next (l))
diff --git a/src/plugins/compilergcc/depslib/src/hash.c b/src/plugins/compilergcc/depslib/src/hash.c
index 78823e43..57e00297 100644
--- a/src/plugins/compilergcc/depslib/src/hash.c
+++ b/src/plugins/compilergcc/depslib/src/hash.c
@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@
# include "jam.h"
# include "hash.h"
+/* C::B patch: Compatibility with 64 bit compiler / OS*/
+# include "inttypes.h" // PRId64
/* Header attached to all data items entered into a hash table. */
struct hashhdr {
@@ -266,8 +269,8 @@ hashstat( struct hash *hp )
#ifdef __LP64__ /* avoid warning on 64-bit machines */
printf( "%s table: %d+%d+%d (%dK+%luK) items+table+hash, %f density\n",
/* C::B patch: Compatibility with 64 bit compiler / OS*/
-#elif defined(_WIN64)
- printf( "%s table: %d+%d+%d (%dK+%I64dK) items+table+hash, %f density\n",
+#elif defined(PRId64)
+ printf( "%s table: %d+%d+%d (%dK+%" PRId64 "K) items+table+hash, %f density\n",
printf( "%s table: %d+%d+%d (%dK+%dK) items+table+hash, %f density\n",