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Development / Re: CodeBlocks with FortranProject plugin
« Last post by MehdiChinoune on Today at 02:21:35 pm »
I am asking about building FortranProject alongside codeblocks. I know How to build it separately.
Development / Re: CodeBlocks with FortranProject plugin
« Last post by Wkerry on Today at 12:14:54 pm »
Please, don't suggest something you didn't check yourself.

I did and was asking as your original and followup has allot of info in it..... NOT....

Try the following:
Development / Re: build bot in the github, I see one nice project
« Last post by ollydbg on Today at 09:52:58 am »
Good news: I had just forgotten to use some shell commands to change the Makefile so that it can work under MSYS2 zip. The following commands can change all back-slashes to forward-slashes and do other necessary modification:
sed '/zip -jq9*/ s/\\/\//g' Makefile_core -i
sed -i '85 s/LIB_SDK = $(LIB) -lshfolder -ltxml -lwxscintilla_cb -lsquirrel -lgdi32/LIB_SDK = -lshfolder -ltxml -lwxscintilla_cb $(LIB) -lsquirrel -lgdi32/' Makefile_core
sed 's/$(DEP_.*//g' Makefile_core -i
A successful action can be found at
So now maybe we can use a automatical winstyle build.

I'm now wondering if cbp2make can convert .workspace files.

Very nice work!

I looked at the file:

and you just download all the wx header files and compilers used by nightly build?

If you looked at the

You see that cbp2make also works for workspaces files.

Development / Re: CodeBlocks with FortranProject plugin
« Last post by stahta01 on Today at 07:43:04 am »
Did you try the way of

make install

I am running "make" right now to see if it errors out or finishes.
Edit: It errored out with a linking error. But, this was on Windows 10 MSys2 Mingw64
Edit2: Changed the configure command to
LIBS="-ltinyxml" ./configure
and the make worked; but, likely need more configure changes before it really creates useful binary.

I have no plans to run "make install" because it might mess up my system.

Tim S.

Development / Re: CodeBlocks with FortranProject plugin
« Last post by MehdiChinoune on Today at 06:32:56 am »
Have a look at the C::B wiki pages.

Please, don't suggest something you didn't check yourself.

That was the first thing I did before asking, and there was no instruction to do so.
Development / Re: build bot in the github, I see one nice project
« Last post by Grit Clef on Today at 05:22:58 am »
Good news: I had just forgotten to use some shell commands to change the Makefile so that it can work under MSYS2 zip. The following commands can change all back-slashes to forward-slashes and do other necessary modification:
sed '/zip -jq9*/ s/\\/\//g' Makefile_core -i
sed -i '85 s/LIB_SDK = $(LIB) -lshfolder -ltxml -lwxscintilla_cb -lsquirrel -lgdi32/LIB_SDK = -lshfolder -ltxml -lwxscintilla_cb $(LIB) -lsquirrel -lgdi32/' Makefile_core
sed 's/$(DEP_.*//g' Makefile_core -i
A successful action can be found at
So now maybe we can use a automatical winstyle build.

I'm now wondering if cbp2make can convert .workspace files.
Development / Re: CodeBlocks with FortranProject plugin
« Last post by Wkerry on Today at 01:17:35 am »
Have a look at the C::B wiki pages.
Development / CodeBlocks with FortranProject plugin
« Last post by MehdiChinoune on Yesterday at 09:48:05 pm »
How to build codeblocks with FortranProject plugin enabled using Autotools?
yep noticed it some days ago sorry havent been around much lately (just moved, again...).
seems most of the things are now in working order  :)  great good job folks.
Development / Re: build bot in the github, I see one nice project
« Last post by reckless on Yesterday at 06:35:14 am »
great :D
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