Using Code::Blocks / Re: Strange behavior in xterm
« Last post by stahta01 on Today at 05:47:05 pm »Posting the result of below from the system shell might help
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If a parser only reads the settings at parser creation time, when the user later changes the global settings but the parser is not allowed to read them after the change, the user now is parsing without the settings he/she requested.
If that user was me, I'd call that a bug.
I think it would be better to throw up a message box saying "Sorry, sniff, global settings will not be applied for a project/parser until you request a re-parse of all the other loaded projects." Just kidding...
This is a hard problem. If we don't apply changes, we violate UI standards. If we do change them, a busy parser won't apply them anyway.
Maybe we should put up a message box that says, these changes will only be applied on the next re-parse for a project.
We could list the projects that have a 'busy' not done flag.
I remember this situation from about 13 years ago. The client asked me to throw up a message box that said "Options cannot be changed while a workspace is loaded".
So, what is the time we need to "read the Parser option from the .conf to the Parser instance", I think it should be in the constructor, and this should be the only place a Parser instance to read the initial parsing option.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ClassBrowser::SetParser(ParserBase* parser)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (m_Parser == parser)
m_Parser = parser;
if (m_Parser)
const int sel = XRCCTRL(*this, "cmbView", wxChoice)->GetSelection();
BrowserDisplayFilter filter = static_cast<BrowserDisplayFilter>(sel);
if (!m_ParseManager->IsParserPerWorkspace() && filter == bdfWorkspace)
filter = bdfProject;
m_Parser->ClassBrowserOptions().displayFilter = filter;
CCLogger::Get()->DebugLog("SetParser: No parser available.");
Index: ccoptionsdlg.cpp
--- ccoptionsdlg.cpp (revision 13611)
+++ ccoptionsdlg.cpp (working copy)
@@ -183,6 +183,12 @@
void CCOptionsDlg::OnApply()
+ cbProject* pProject = Manager::Get()->GetProjectManager()->GetActiveProject();
+ // Remember the project that changed the .conf data //(ph 2025/02/04)
+ m_ParseManager->SetOptsChangedByProject(pProject);
+ // Renember the Parser that changed the .conf data //(ph 2025/02/04)
+ m_ParseManager->SetOptsChangedByParser(&(m_ParseManager->GetParser())); //(ph 2025/02/07)
ConfigManager* cfg = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("code_completion"));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Index: parsemanager.cpp
--- parsemanager.cpp (revision 13611)
+++ parsemanager.cpp (working copy)
@@ -623,6 +623,7 @@
// if the active parser is deleted, set the active parser to nullptr
if (it->second == m_Parser)
+ SetClosingParser(m_Parser); //(ph 2025/02/12)
m_Parser = nullptr;
SetParser(m_TempParser); // Also updates class browser
Index: parsemanager.h
--- parsemanager.h (revision 13611)
+++ parsemanager.h (working copy)
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
#include "parsemanager_base.h"
#include "parser/parser.h"
-#include <queue>
-#include <map>
+//unused #include <queue>
+// unused #include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
@@ -258,6 +258,16 @@
void SetSymbolsWindowHasFocus(bool trueOrFalse){ m_SymbolsWindowHasFocus = trueOrFalse;}
bool GetSymbolsWindowHasFocus(){return m_SymbolsWindowHasFocus;}
+ // Set or return Project that changed "Global setting" in workspace
+ cbProject* GetOptsChangedByProject(){ return m_pOptsChangedProject;}
+ void SetOptsChangedByProject(cbProject* pProject){m_pOptsChangedProject = pProject;}
+ // Set or return Parser that changed "Global setting" in Single File workspace
+ ParserBase* GetOptsChangedByParser(){ return m_pOptsChangedParser;}
+ void SetOptsChangedByParser(ParserBase* pParserBase){m_pOptsChangedParser = pParserBase;}
+ ParserBase* GetTempParser(){return m_TempParser;}
+ ParserBase* GetClosingParser(){return m_pClosingParser;} //(ph 2025/02/12)
+ void SetClosingParser(ParserBase* pParser){m_pClosingParser = pParser;} //(ph 2025/02/12)
/** When a Parser is created, we need a full parsing stage including:
* 1, parse the priority header files firstly.
@@ -474,11 +484,12 @@
bool RemoveProjectFromParser(cbProject* project);
typedef std::pair<cbProject*, ParserBase*> ProjectParserPair;
typedef std::list<ProjectParserPair> ParserList;
- /** a list holing all the cbp->parser pairs, if in one parser per project mode, there are many
+ /** a list holding all the cbp->parser pairs, if in one parser per project mode, there are many
* many pairs in this list. In one parser per workspace mode, there is only one pair, and the
* m_ParserList.begin()->second is the common parser for all the projects in workspace.
@@ -527,6 +538,13 @@
bool m_ClassBrowserViewIsStale = true;
bool m_SymbolsWindowHasFocus = false;
+ //The latest project to change the .conf file //(ph 2025/02/04)
+ cbProject* m_pOptsChangedProject = nullptr;
+ //The latest parser to change the .conf file //(ph 2025/02/04)
+ ParserBase* m_pOptsChangedParser = nullptr;
+ // the currently closing parser
+ ParserBase* m_pClosingParser = nullptr;
Index: parser/parser.cpp
--- parser/parser.cpp (revision 13611)
+++ parser/parser.cpp (working copy)
@@ -32,9 +32,10 @@
#include "parser.h"
#include "parserthreadedtask.h"
+#include "../parsemanager.h" //(ph 2025/02/04)
#include "../classbrowser.h"
-#include "../classbrowserbuilderthread.h"
+//unused - #include "../classbrowserbuilderthread.h"
#ifndef CB_PRECOMP
@@ -921,19 +922,64 @@
void Parser::WriteOptions()
+ // Global settings bug fix (ph 2025/02/12)
+ //https://forums.codeblocks.org/index.php/topic,25955 Hiccups while typing
+ // Assemble status to determine if a Parser or Project changed a global setting.
+ ParseManager* pParseMgr = (ParseManager*)m_Parent;
+ ParserBase* pTempParser = pParseMgr->GetTempParser();
+ ParserBase* pClosingParser = pParseMgr->GetClosingParser(); //see ParseManger::DeleteParser()
+ ParserBase* pCurrentParser = &(pParseMgr->GetParser()); //aka: m_parser
+ bool isClosingParser = pCurrentParser == pClosingParser;
+ bool isTempParser = pTempParser == pCurrentParser;
+ bool globalOptionChanged = pParseMgr->GetOptsChangedByParser() or pParseMgr->GetOptsChangedByProject();
+ // If this is a parser close, do not allow CB global settings writes.
+ bool allowGlobalUpdate = false;
+ // When no closing parser, but CB globals were changed, write to .conf
+ if ( (not isClosingParser) and globalOptionChanged)
+ allowGlobalUpdate = true;
+ // Closing parsers are not allowed to write to CB globals.
+ // CB Globals were already written when when user changed the setting.
+ if (isClosingParser) allowGlobalUpdate = false;
+ // If no changes to the CB globals, no need to write
+ if (not globalOptionChanged)
+ allowGlobalUpdate = false; // no global settings have changed
ConfigManager* cfg = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("code_completion"));
- // Page "Code Completion"
- cfg->Write(_T("/use_SmartSense"), m_Options.useSmartSense);
- cfg->Write(_T("/while_typing"), m_Options.whileTyping);
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // set any user changed CB global settings for CodeCompletion
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (allowGlobalUpdate)
+ {
+ // Page "Code Completion"
+ cfg->Write(_T("/use_SmartSense"), m_Options.useSmartSense);
+ cfg->Write(_T("/while_typing"), m_Options.whileTyping);
- // Page "C / C++ parser"
- cfg->Write(_T("/parser_follow_local_includes"), m_Options.followLocalIncludes);
- cfg->Write(_T("/parser_follow_global_includes"), m_Options.followGlobalIncludes);
- cfg->Write(_T("/want_preprocessor"), m_Options.wantPreprocessor);
- cfg->Write(_T("/parse_complex_macros"), m_Options.parseComplexMacros);
- cfg->Write(_T("/platform_check"), m_Options.platformCheck);
+ // Page "C / C++ parser"
+ cfg->Write(_T("/parser_follow_local_includes"), m_Options.followLocalIncludes);
+ cfg->Write(_T("/parser_follow_global_includes"), m_Options.followGlobalIncludes);
+ cfg->Write(_T("/want_preprocessor"), m_Options.wantPreprocessor);
+ cfg->Write(_T("/parse_complex_macros"), m_Options.parseComplexMacros);
+ cfg->Write(_T("/platform_check"), m_Options.platformCheck);
+ }
+ // clean out any parser flags used to guard CB global settings
+ pParseMgr->SetOptsChangedByParser(nullptr); //(ph 2025/02/12)
+ pParseMgr->SetOptsChangedByProject(nullptr); //(ph 2025/02/12)
+ pParseMgr->SetClosingParser(nullptr);
+ // if currrent parser == TempParser, force it to update, else the next
+ // display of the setting dialog will show TempParser stale cached settings.
+ if (isTempParser) pTempParser->ReadOptions();
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // set any user changed ClassBrowser settings
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Page "Symbol browser"
cfg->Write(_T("/browser_show_inheritance"), m_BrowserOptions.showInheritance);
cfg->Write(_T("/browser_expand_ns"), m_BrowserOptions.expandNS);
Index: resources/manifest.xml
--- resources/manifest.xml (revision 13611)
+++ resources/manifest.xml (working copy)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<SdkVersion major="1" minor="10" release="0" />
<Plugin name="CodeCompletion">
<Value title="Code completion" />
- <Value version="1.0.5 24/01/29" />
+ <Value version="1.0.6 25/02/12" />
<Value description="This plugin provides a symbols browser for your projects and code-completion inside the editor.
+------------------------|Parser A |
| +----------+
|Parse option | +----------+
|Browser option|-----------------|Parser B |
+-------|------+ +----------+
| +-----------+
+------------------------|Parser Temp|