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Help / Re: Code blocks does not work with Mac Sequoia
« Last post by Chandira on Yesterday at 11:14:36 pm »
Thank you very much. I have still the same problem with version 17.12,

after "compilers auto-dection" the system always crashs. Could you please give more details for help please?

Thank you very much.
Help / Re: Code blocks does not work with Mac Sequoia
« Last post by Wkerry on Yesterday at 10:38:33 am »
Mac is not supported by the current CB 20.03 or nightly release with being able to debug your compiled code via the debugger, so unfortunately if you want to debug please try codelite.

There are pages on the web that have info on how to run copdeblocks on a mac, but these only show you how to get codeblocks running and able to run your app, but not debug it.
Help / Code blocks does not work with Mac Sequoia
« Last post by LudwigJessing on Yesterday at 12:29:15 am »
Crash after connecting and pressing "ok"
Hello Ollydbg.

Do you know if somebody has already collected some experiences with using Dr. Memory together with Code::Blocks?

Best regards,
                   Eckard Klotz.

Thanks. I know Dr. Memory is a good tool, I haven't used it recently. Anyone has some experience can show your result here.

When I use the heob, I see it is hard to read its result diagram, see discussion here:
Using Code::Blocks / Re: Icons cut in half
« Last post by minou on November 02, 2024, 12:30:07 am »
No scaling.

I have the same issue on two monitors.

My 35 inch monitor is 3440x1440 which is the default resolution
and the 32 inch monitor is set to 2560x1440 because the text is too small at 3840x2160
If I was doing scaling on the second monitor to increase the fonts it would do the same on the 35 inch monitor
I tried different resolution and got no change

The DPI setting is 96 which is the automatic detection

Using Code::Blocks / Re: Icons cut in half
« Last post by Михаил Агарков on November 01, 2024, 09:22:35 pm »
I think this could be a scaling issue. Are you using a scaled interface? If yes, does it look normal when not?
Using Code::Blocks / Icons cut in half
« Last post by minou on November 01, 2024, 07:49:40 pm »
On Mint 22 and Archlinux Codeblock is unusable, as you can see on the attached picture we can't see the wxsmith icons.
I saw no such issue at work with Windows 11. I haven't tried on my Mac Studio yet so I don't know if the issue also exists on the mac.

Taking the bottom window doesn't help. Is it possible to undock that area so I can see the Icons?

Michel Catudal
Development / Re: Support for c++20 modules
« Last post by cacb on October 31, 2024, 09:31:46 pm »
I think modules are trying to fix something in C++ that doesn't exist.
I agree. I think codeblocks should support important new language features, but frankly I don't see the need for C++ modules. And someone would have to volunteer to do the job.
Hello Ollydbg.

Do you know if somebody has already collected some experiences with using Dr. Memory together with Code::Blocks?

Best regards,
                   Eckard Klotz.
Development / Re: Dark mode support in wx3.3.0
« Last post by stahta01 on October 31, 2024, 04:48:18 pm »
Till they release the wxWidgets 3.3.0 development tar ball, I would hold off on most work by the CB Dev team.

Tim S.
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