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You can find a PPA for various Ubuntu versions in this post. This is the next-to-last nightly.

They want you to use the Nightly builds and give feedback and if you use Code Completion try the Clang Code Completion because that was the major holdup on a new release and it might still be the holdup.

Tim S.

Is there a Nightly builds? Long time ago there was Ubuntu PPA with Nightly, but now I can't find any. Unfortunately, I can't use Gentoo or CLD on my work PC, where it so easy to build latest commit on every update - on Ubuntu it is much more painful, so I still stick with 20.03 =(.
Thank you Tim, but I use Kubuntu and the nightly builds are a bit of a problem. So I've since said goodbye to CB, even though I translated the entire IDe into German. Now I use KDevelop and Qt-Creator. What a pity about CB!
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You can print the __cplusplus macro, see this link for more information.
I followed and solved the problem. Thank you very much for the information.
Hi, why is nobody of the devs answering to this question?! Do they want to move us to another IDE??

They want you to use the Nightly builds and give feedback and if you use Code Completion try the Clang Code Completion because that was the major holdup on a new release and it might still be the holdup.

Tim S.
Help / Re: how do i fix cursor size?
« Last post by Miguel Gimenez on July 19, 2024, 05:20:16 pm »
Cursor size is set in the OS, ask in a forum related to whatever OS you are using.
Hi, why is nobody of the devs answering to this question?! Do they want to move us to another IDE??
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