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Use CbLauncher.exe
Using Code::Blocks / I gave for granted CB (Windows) was portable but...
« Last post by Elena on Yesterday at 05:48:13 pm »
I always gave for granted C::B was fully portable, in fact I keep in installed in my D:\ partition and I always thought all its files and configs were stored inside its program folder. Evidently this was not the case.
Recently I had to replace my System HD (which just hosts C:/ partition) and to reinstall W10 for maintenance. On resuming my works, I discovered that I lost a lot of C::B settings, including the IDE layout and compiler chain settings !!! What a headache now !!!! How is this ??
Development / '*.xrc' files cannot be edited in 'wxSmith'.
« Last post by LETARTARE on Yesterday at 05:35:48 pm »
cb13604 (Win-7 and Leap-15.6)

The files 'src/resources/main_menu.xrc' and 'main_toolbar.xrc' are rejected in 'wxSmith'!
These files can be edited in the text editor.
Is this normal?
If so, why?
And to finally close this "topic" ...

I try today on my second PC (almost clone of my laptop, but hardware not "up to date" after thirteen years "de bons et loyaux services" 'in french !!! , about CB and all compilers C/C++ installed too).
I clone my repository GitHub GLAUX on this, and I use CB (svn-r13598 on W11 64 bits) to generate DLL with PellesC.
At the beginning, most ajustements, to succeed :
    - no policy defined by default with compiler + linker : add policy "Append target options to project option" ... many times,
    - mandatory add option "/Ze" when use include file "windows.h" (in subtab "Others compilers options") (this option not available in "standard" option of compiler Pelles C because it's a clone of MSVC that don't use this).
At the end, result of generation succeed ... finally.

-------------- Clean: Release PELLES C 64 in GLaux (compiler: Pelles C X64)---------------

Cleaned "GLaux - Release PELLES C 64"

-------------- Build: Release PELLES C 64 in GLaux (compiler: Pelles C X64)---------------

pocc.exe /nologo  /Ze /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx64-coff /D_AMD64_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\FONT.C /FoobjPELLESC64\Release\src\FONT.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  /Ze /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx64-coff /D_AMD64_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\GLAUX.C /FoobjPELLESC64\Release\src\GLAUX.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  /Ze /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx64-coff /D_AMD64_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\IMAGE.C /FoobjPELLESC64\Release\src\IMAGE.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  /Ze /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx64-coff /D_AMD64_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\SHAPES.C /FoobjPELLESC64\Release\src\SHAPES.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  /Ze /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx64-coff /D_AMD64_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\TEAPOT.C /FoobjPELLESC64\Release\src\TEAPOT.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  /Ze /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx64-coff /D_AMD64_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\TK.C /FoobjPELLESC64\Release\src\TK.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  /Ze /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx64-coff /D_AMD64_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\TKDIB.C /FoobjPELLESC64\Release\src\TKDIB.obj
src\SHAPES.C(598): warning #2229: Local 'x2' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\SHAPES.C(598): warning #2229: Local 'x1' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\SHAPES.C(598): warning #2229: Local 'x0' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\SHAPES.C(645): warning #2117: Old-style function definition for 'initdodec'.
pocc.exe /nologo  /Ze /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx64-coff /D_AMD64_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\TKFONT.C /FoobjPELLESC64\Release\src\TKFONT.obj
src\TEAPOT.C(76): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TEAPOT.C(76): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TEAPOT.C(76): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TEAPOT.C(123): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TEAPOT.C(123): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TEAPOT.C(123): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
pocc.exe /nologo  /Ze /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx64-coff /D_AMD64_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\TKIMAGE.C /FoobjPELLESC64\Release\src\TKIMAGE.obj
src\TKDIB.C(410): warning #2229: Local 'pvBitsFile' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKDIB.C(345): warning #2229: Local 'pvBitsFile' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKDIB.C(302): warning #2229: Local 'pvBitsFile' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
pocc.exe /nologo  /Ze /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx64-coff /D_AMD64_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\VECT3D.C /FoobjPELLESC64\Release\src\VECT3D.obj
src\TKIMAGE.C(134): warning #2215: Conversion from 'unsigned long long int' to 'int'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
pocc.exe /nologo  /Ze /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx64-coff /D_AMD64_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\XFORM.C /FoobjPELLESC64\Release\src\XFORM.obj
polink.exe /dll /nologo /LIBPATH:C:\PellesC\lib\Win64 /LIBPATH:C:\PellesC\lib /out:binPELLESC64\Release\Glaux.dll glu32.lib opengl32.lib gdi32.lib winmm.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib kernel32.lib objPELLESC64\Release\src\FONT.obj objPELLESC64\Release\src\GLAUX.obj objPELLESC64\Release\src\IMAGE.obj objPELLESC64\Release\src\SHAPES.obj objPELLESC64\Release\src\TEAPOT.obj objPELLESC64\Release\src\TK.obj objPELLESC64\Release\src\TKDIB.obj objPELLESC64\Release\src\TKFONT.obj objPELLESC64\Release\src\TKIMAGE.obj objPELLESC64\Release\src\VECT3D.obj objPELLESC64\Release\src\XFORM.obj  /MACHINE:X64
src\TK.C(580): warning #2241: The function 'GetVersionExA' is marked as deprecated.
src\TK.C(1354): warning #2215: Conversion from 'long long int' to 'long int'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TK.C(1659): warning #2215: Conversion from 'int' to 'unsigned char'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TK.C(1826): warning #2229: Local 'iMinEntry' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TK.C(1825): warning #2229: Local 'iMinEntry' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TK.C(1965): warning #2215: Conversion from 'unsigned int' to 'unsigned short int'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TK.C(2015): warning #2215: Conversion from 'unsigned int' to 'unsigned short int'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TK.C(2044): warning #2238: Array index '255' is out-of-bounds for 'PALETTEENTRY (aka struct tagPALETTEENTRY) [1]'.
src\TK.C(2045): warning #2238: Array index '255' is out-of-bounds for 'PALETTEENTRY (aka struct tagPALETTEENTRY) [1]'.
src\TK.C(2046): warning #2238: Array index '255' is out-of-bounds for 'PALETTEENTRY (aka struct tagPALETTEENTRY) [1]'.
src\TK.C(2049): warning #2238: Array index '255' is out-of-bounds for 'PALETTEENTRY (aka struct tagPALETTEENTRY) [1]'.
src\TK.C(2442): warning #2116: Local 'hStock' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TK.C(2441): warning #2116: Local 'hStock' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13655): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13651): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13648): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13644): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13643): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13684): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13680): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13677): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13673): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13672): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13713): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13709): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13706): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13702): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13701): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
Creating object: binPELLESC64\Release\Glaux.exp
Creating library: binPELLESC64\Release\Glaux.lib
Output file is binPELLESC64\Release\Glaux.dll with size 1.04 MB
Process terminated with status 0 (0 minute(s), 3 second(s))
0 error(s), 42 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 3 second(s))
Build log saved as:

Conclusion : initial problem with Pelles C exist only on my laptop.

Sorry, I had must tested before on my fix PC before to open tyhis topic.

Thank you ... for your time.



And to finaly close this "topic" ...

I try today on my second PC (almost clone of my laptop, but hardware not "up to date" after thirteen years "de bons et loyaux services" 'in french !!! , about CB and all compilers C/C++ installed too).
I clone my repository GitHub GLAUX on this, and I use CB (svn-r13598 on W11 64 bits) to generate DLL with PellesC.
At the beginning, most ajustements; to succeed :
Contributions to C::B / Re: Code::Blocks' translation
« Last post by Miguel Gimenez on January 14, 2025, 07:36:45 pm »
Applied in r13604, thank you.
Using Code::Blocks / Re: Generation with Pelles C Compiler (Version 12.00.1) failed
« Last post by ThierryD on January 14, 2025, 07:12:00 pm »
Hi Tim,

It's a good new. I try this by activate "build" many times, ans yes, at finish, DLL is generate (objective succeed).
I try also to reinstall Pelles C compiler, same constat : for each compile with "pocc" an error line appear into log of CB (and not with linkage with "polink" ?!?).
I try to "disconnect" of Internet (simply deactivate WiFi on Windows 11) and after (and only after) deactivate my antivirus (BitDefender), and retry to generate DLL of GLAUX, same result : I [re]do click on "Build" to finalize the generation ...
For 64 bit generation with Pelles C, not only position flag /MACHINE:X64 during linkage, but also add an new define during compilation "_M_AMD64" (I forget this add on "initial" repository).
I have also "Advanced System Care" installed on my configuration. Tomorrow, I try to desinstall this to see if this is a cause of problem.
Last try, generate target of CB project without subdirectories, directly to "root" project.
But, I don't understand why use of "pocc" seems provoke an error into CB (on my environment ...), and if I use this tool into "command console", all succeed ...

Thank's for your research, result it's interesting.


NB : About MSVC, you can install "very free" version from Microsoft : Visual Studio 2022 "Community", if you want.
       Yes, it's not "professional" version, but this "do the job" (with C compiler, but also C++ compiler) with last SDK Windows (Windows Kit 10) mandatory. For me, it's OK.

Contributions to C::B / Re: Code::Blocks' translation
« Last post by LETARTARE on January 14, 2025, 06:59:37 pm »
Some untranslated chains in ' r13603::help_plugin'
Using Code::Blocks / Re: Generation with Pelles C Compiler (Version 12.00.1) failed
« Last post by stahta01 on January 14, 2025, 03:41:01 am »
I suggest building without clean a few times in a row.

Edit: If the files that failed to build start building; I would look at an system anti-virus related issue.

I get the below on the second build.

-------------- Build: Release PELLES C in GLaux (compiler: pelles_c_32b)---------------

Target is up to date.
Nothing to be done (all items are up-to-date).

My setup info; I skipped the parts that were not needed to get the project to build (The resource compiler search paths for one.)
And, I changed a few things.

My CB Version info: svn-r13596
OS Info: Windows 10

I edited the project pre steps because I did not have grep in the path.

My Tool chain setting
I deleted all additional paths; and I copied MSVC 2017 because I had *no* 2020 to copy.

Build log; I see no real difference; but, I have felt tired for about 10 days now. Maybe someone else or you will see the difference
-------------- Clean: Release PELLES C in GLaux (compiler: pelles_c_32b)---------------

Cleaned "GLaux - Release PELLES C"

-------------- Build: Release PELLES C in GLaux (compiler: pelles_c_32b)---------------

pocc.exe /nologo  -Tx86-coff /Ze /c /DNDEBUG /D_X86_ /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx86-coff /D_X86_   /IC:\PellesC\\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\\include /c src\FONT.C /FoobjPELLESC32\Release\src\FONT.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  -Tx86-coff /Ze /c /DNDEBUG /D_X86_ /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx86-coff /D_X86_   /IC:\PellesC\\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\\include /c src\GLAUX.C /FoobjPELLESC32\Release\src\GLAUX.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  -Tx86-coff /Ze /c /DNDEBUG /D_X86_ /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx86-coff /D_X86_   /IC:\PellesC\\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\\include /c src\IMAGE.C /FoobjPELLESC32\Release\src\IMAGE.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  -Tx86-coff /Ze /c /DNDEBUG /D_X86_ /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx86-coff /D_X86_   /IC:\PellesC\\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\\include /c src\SHAPES.C /FoobjPELLESC32\Release\src\SHAPES.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  -Tx86-coff /Ze /c /DNDEBUG /D_X86_ /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx86-coff /D_X86_   /IC:\PellesC\\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\\include /c src\TEAPOT.C /FoobjPELLESC32\Release\src\TEAPOT.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  -Tx86-coff /Ze /c /DNDEBUG /D_X86_ /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx86-coff /D_X86_   /IC:\PellesC\\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\\include /c src\TK.C /FoobjPELLESC32\Release\src\TK.obj
src\SHAPES.C(598): warning #2229: Local 'x2' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\SHAPES.C(598): warning #2229: Local 'x1' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
pocc.exe /nologo  -Tx86-coff /Ze /c /DNDEBUG /D_X86_ /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx86-coff /D_X86_   /IC:\PellesC\\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\\include /c src\TKDIB.C /FoobjPELLESC32\Release\src\TKDIB.obj
src\SHAPES.C(598): warning #2229: Local 'x0' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\SHAPES.C(645): warning #2117: Old-style function definition for 'initdodec'.
pocc.exe /nologo  -Tx86-coff /Ze /c /DNDEBUG /D_X86_ /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx86-coff /D_X86_   /IC:\PellesC\\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\\include /c src\TKFONT.C /FoobjPELLESC32\Release\src\TKFONT.obj
src\TEAPOT.C(76): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TEAPOT.C(76): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TEAPOT.C(76): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TEAPOT.C(123): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TEAPOT.C(123): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TKDIB.C(410): warning #2229: Local 'pvBitsFile' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKDIB.C(345): warning #2229: Local 'pvBitsFile' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKDIB.C(302): warning #2229: Local 'pvBitsFile' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TEAPOT.C(123): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
pocc.exe /nologo  -Tx86-coff /Ze /c /DNDEBUG /D_X86_ /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx86-coff /D_X86_   /IC:\PellesC\\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\\include /c src\TKIMAGE.C /FoobjPELLESC32\Release\src\TKIMAGE.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  -Tx86-coff /Ze /c /DNDEBUG /D_X86_ /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx86-coff /D_X86_   /IC:\PellesC\\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\\include /c src\VECT3D.C /FoobjPELLESC32\Release\src\VECT3D.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  -Tx86-coff /Ze /c /DNDEBUG /D_X86_ /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx86-coff /D_X86_   /IC:\PellesC\\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\\include /c src\XFORM.C /FoobjPELLESC32\Release\src\XFORM.obj
polink.exe /dll /nologo /LIBPATH:C:\PellesC\\lib\Win /LIBPATH:C:\PellesC\\lib /out:binPELLESC32\Release\GLaux.dll glu32.lib opengl32.lib advapi32.lib comdlg32.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib user32.lib kernel32.lib gdi32.lib objPELLESC32\Release\src\FONT.obj objPELLESC32\Release\src\GLAUX.obj objPELLESC32\Release\src\IMAGE.obj objPELLESC32\Release\src\SHAPES.obj objPELLESC32\Release\src\TEAPOT.obj objPELLESC32\Release\src\TK.obj objPELLESC32\Release\src\TKDIB.obj objPELLESC32\Release\src\TKFONT.obj objPELLESC32\Release\src\TKIMAGE.obj objPELLESC32\Release\src\VECT3D.obj objPELLESC32\Release\src\XFORM.obj  /MACHINE:X86 /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /MACHINE:X86
src\TK.C(580): warning #2241: The function 'GetVersionExA' is marked as deprecated.
src\TK.C(1659): warning #2215: Conversion from 'int' to 'unsigned char'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TK.C(1826): warning #2229: Local 'iMinEntry' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TK.C(1825): warning #2229: Local 'iMinEntry' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TK.C(1965): warning #2215: Conversion from 'unsigned int' to 'unsigned short int'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TK.C(2015): warning #2215: Conversion from 'unsigned int' to 'unsigned short int'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TK.C(2044): warning #2238: Array index '255' is out-of-bounds for 'PALETTEENTRY (aka struct tagPALETTEENTRY) [1]'.
src\TK.C(2045): warning #2238: Array index '255' is out-of-bounds for 'PALETTEENTRY (aka struct tagPALETTEENTRY) [1]'.
src\TK.C(2046): warning #2238: Array index '255' is out-of-bounds for 'PALETTEENTRY (aka struct tagPALETTEENTRY) [1]'.
src\TK.C(2049): warning #2238: Array index '255' is out-of-bounds for 'PALETTEENTRY (aka struct tagPALETTEENTRY) [1]'.
src\TK.C(2442): warning #2116: Local 'hStock' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TK.C(2441): warning #2116: Local 'hStock' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13655): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13651): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13648): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13644): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13643): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13684): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13680): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13677): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13673): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13672): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13713): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13709): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13706): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13702): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13701): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
Creating object: binPELLESC32\Release\GLaux.exp
Creating library: binPELLESC32\Release\GLaux.lib
Output file is binPELLESC32\Release\GLaux.dll with size 1.02 MB
Process terminated with status 0 (0 minute(s), 3 second(s))
0 error(s), 40 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 3 second(s))
Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 10