Development / Re: wx 3.2.6 released
« Last post by killerbot on September 10, 2024, 08:17:27 pm »I will switch the nightlies to it asap.
The new Release 20.03 is out! You can download binaries for Windows and many major Linux distros here .
Good news!
Can you help to update the package in msys2? Thanks.
This is OT here, please use C++ forums for this kind of questions.I do not believe this, WHERE has someone said I tried the program you listed on my computer and it works good. with 10 bytes ,
Maybe about 24 hours ago ago I spend a few minutes looking for a link to donate money to the project, I could not find it, maybe I should ask my bank where the link is.
I went to bed last thinking I am getting some value out of Code::Block, I was really looking forward to making a donation. BUT the replied I am getting now, I am going to wipe Code::Blocks off the system and try out come other C++ program, and if I get banned from this group that will be one sure way that some other C++ project gets some donation from me.
This is OT here, please use C++ forums for this kind of questions.I do not believe this, WHERE has someone said I tried the program you listed on my computer and it works good. with 10 bytes ,
This is OT here, please use C++ forums for this kind of questions.I do not believe this, WHERE has someone said I tried the program you listed on my computer and it works good. with 10 bytes ,