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Help / Re: Issues with GDB and C::B
« Last post by nore on February 02, 2025, 04:15:12 pm »
I've got my settings configured as usual. I will try setting up another project to see if that fixes the issue.
Development / Re: asm("int3"); /*trap*/ query
« Last post by Wkerry on February 02, 2025, 08:20:34 am »
Help / Re: Issues with GDB and C::B
« Last post by Pecan on February 02, 2025, 06:40:08 am »
Hello all,

I seem to be having trouble with Code::Blocks tonight after working to implement text-field highlighting in an OpenGL-based system. It seems that my debugger will only recognize breakpoints that are placed *before* starting the program--it will not recognize breakpoints placed during runtime as it usually does. I also noticed that the red 'x' icon used normally to stop the debugger and program execution does not work as usual. I only recall this happening once before. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be the cause of this strange error?


This usually happens to me when I've set the default debugger to the wrong debugger config.

Check that the MainMenu>Debug>Active debugger is set as you expect.
Check that MainMenu>Settings>Debugger of the Active debugger (above) is as you expect.
Development / Re: CodeBlocks revision: '13605', breaks when opening a file (LINUX)
« Last post by sodev on February 02, 2025, 05:48:33 am »
Maybe it is a good idea to check if all your source files have the property svn:eol-style=native set to prevent such things ;)
Help / Issues with GDB and C::B
« Last post by nore on February 02, 2025, 05:27:34 am »
Hello all,

I seem to be having trouble with Code::Blocks tonight after working to implement text-field highlighting in an OpenGL-based system. It seems that my debugger will only recognize breakpoints that are placed *before* starting the program--it will not recognize breakpoints placed during runtime as it usually does. I also noticed that the red 'x' icon used normally to stop the debugger and program execution does not work as usual. I only recall this happening once before. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be the cause of this strange error?

Development / Re: CodeBlocks revision: '13605', breaks when opening a file (LINUX)
« Last post by ollydbg on February 02, 2025, 03:39:43 am »
I have a question about the svn commit in rev 13606.

Code::Blocks / SVN Repo / Diff of /trunk/src/plugins/contrib/BrowseTracker/btswitcherdlg.h

It looks like this file btswitcherdlg.h does not change anything?

It looks just like that if the end of line is changed; I have no idea how to tell if that is the cause.

Tim S.

Hi, Tim, thanks, yes, you are right, the EOL has changed.

I just download the old file:

Code::Blocks / SVN Repo / [r13605] /trunk/src/plugins/contrib/BrowseTracker/btswitcherdlg.h

and the new file:

Code::Blocks / SVN Repo / [r13606] /trunk/src/plugins/contrib/BrowseTracker/btswitcherdlg.h

And I see the new file use the LF, while the old file use CRLF.
Development / Re: CodeBlocks revision: '13605', breaks when opening a file (LINUX)
« Last post by stahta01 on February 01, 2025, 08:38:14 pm »
I have a question about the svn commit in rev 13606.

Code::Blocks / SVN Repo / Diff of /trunk/src/plugins/contrib/BrowseTracker/btswitcherdlg.h

It looks like this file btswitcherdlg.h does not change anything?

It looks just like that if the end of line is changed; I have no idea how to tell if that is the cause.

Tim S.
Using Code::Blocks / Re: Hiccups while typing (continuation)
« Last post by Pecan on February 01, 2025, 07:46:00 pm »
... for a very short time those two gadgets flash or kind of, like they becoming disabled and then enabled again, so I suspected it could be relatedT
Thanks for the screenshot
Those are the Scope and function/variable choice boxes for the plugin Code Completion.

Go to MainMenu>plugins>ManagePlugins  and disable the plugin "Code completion", restart CB, and see if the hiccups disappear.

If that eliminates the hiccups re-enable "Code completion" and restart CB.

Now go to MainMenu>settings>Editor>CodeCompletion> and disable "update parser when typing" check box. See the attached screenshot. Tell us if that eliminate the hiccups.

Also check (at bottom of Code completion settings) "Delay for Auto-kick-in when typing". Raise to at least 300 millisecs or until the hiccups disappear.

Look, also, at the second screenshot (Editor settings) and make sure the kick in for Code completion is set at (say around) 3 letters.
Development / Re: asm("int3"); /*trap*/ query
« Last post by Pecan on February 01, 2025, 07:32:39 pm »
It was in the latest SVN change, but I am 1000% confident the same int 3 is in other places as I have included it in apps I have done where I enable it in a debug build.

This is some thing to thin about when you see an "int 3".

All use of "int3" has been commented out. SVN revision 13608
Development / Re: CodeBlocks revision: '13605', breaks when opening a file (LINUX)
« Last post by ollydbg on February 01, 2025, 02:37:14 pm »
I have a question about the svn commit in rev 13606.

Code::Blocks / SVN Repo / Diff of /trunk/src/plugins/contrib/BrowseTracker/btswitcherdlg.h

It looks like this file btswitcherdlg.h does not change anything?
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