Author Topic: Help me please  (Read 2573 times)


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Help me please
« on: November 08, 2008, 04:21:34 pm »
I'm Rahman, before this i develop my programs with C# but now i Decide to Try some linux Programming Environments ; I'm working with anjuta but that's not realy a powerfull IDE; So I Read something about code::Block and I was going to Download and install Code::Blocks on OpenSuse 10.3
I was install Code::Blocks using Yast and The Code::Blocks's Icon Appear on my Programs list; but when I Click on the icon  Code::Blocks  cursor and program window Apper on the taskBar ; but after a moment (about 20-30 seconds)  those are disappeare!!!!
anyone can help me ?
thanks so much
« Last Edit: November 09, 2008, 07:39:21 am by rah_you »