Author Topic: Environment variables in C::B project.  (Read 6399 times)

Offline David Perfors

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Environment variables in C::B project.
« on: September 20, 2005, 09:56:56 am »
In the current CodeBlocks project file "CodeBlocks-wx2.6.0.cbp" we are using {WX_DIR} and {WX_CFG}. This works very nice when you compile with a "normal" release of wxWidgets. But what when you build a Unicode and/or debug version of wxWidgets. You have to modify much dircetories and all the wx libraries. (adding u or d or whatever..) (eg. wxmsw26 has to be changed in wxmsw26u when you want to have a unicode build...) isn't there a possibility to add a variable where you can set this, so you don't have to change it automaticaly? (eg. {WX_BUILD}...)
OS: winXP
Compiler: mingw
IDE: Code::Blocks SVN WX: 2.8.4 Wish list: faster code completion, easier debugging, refactoring