Author Topic: Opening Files other Than .CPP or .H  (Read 9244 times)


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Opening Files other Than .CPP or .H
« on: February 01, 2005, 02:13:35 pm »
Is there a way to open up files of types besides .CPP and .H in the editor? I have tried the "Project->Project Tree->Edit File Types & Display Categories", and I am able to create new folders like "Include". However, when I add all my .inc files to the project, I can't open them up in the editor by double-clicking on them or right-clicking and going to open.

I realize that I could just rename my files .inc files to .h, but I was wondering if there was a way to edit files of types other than .c,.cpp,.h in the editor (like .inc or .inl )? Everything else from my experience with the IDE has been splendid, its just this one minor thing that is bothering me.

Offline mandrav

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Opening Files other Than .CPP or .H
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2005, 02:57:16 pm »
No, unfortunately not...
This is planned for the next update. It won't be long ;)

Be patient!
This bug will be fixed soon...


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Opening Files other Than .CPP or .H
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2005, 02:25:17 am »
Ok: Yeah for the MIME thingy, but I've run into a few problems.

1. I would like to open a yacc(bison) or lex file in the editor.  Specifically, I would like it to use the C++ editor with its keyword and color options OR I would like to add other types to the editor and configure the keywords and color options.  Currently C++ and LUA are the only types listed and are apparently hardcoded.

2. Files with no extension (i.e. makefile) cannot be opened at all.  It produces an error:
    Could not open file "blah..."
    No handler registered for this type of file.
When I tried to add "*" or "*." to the MIME plugin, it still refused.

Offline mandrav

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Opening Files other Than .CPP or .H
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2005, 08:44:05 am »
1. Syntax highlighting for more languages is planned.
2. Please submit a bug report.

Be patient!
This bug will be fixed soon...