There appears to be a rather odd bug Ctrl-Delete doesn't delete the current word, it calls the Find Declaration function and, in my case, brings up the Multiple Matches dialog.
Code::Blocks SVN REV5106
Windows XP SP 2
do you have this issue with the previous nightly ?
EDIT : I tried this on svn 4906 and it does delete something :
a) test123 : if cursor just before the t --> deletes entire word
b) test123 : if cursor just in front of the 1 --> deletes 123
in latest nightly tries to find declaration of test123.
I think I know where it comes from :
find declaration now has a shortcut : "ctrl . "
And on my numeric part of the keyboard the . and Del are on the same key. Whatever the values of the num lock it seems to always see it as a '.' and never as a Del. Same issue applies when I use the unique Delete key (middle of my keyboard together with Home, Insert, End, Page Up/Down).
I have no idea why WXWIDGETS treats them as the same :-(