Well, here we are... Please bear with me, this is the ramblings of the megga confused and befuddled.... :?
I'm an experienced programmer, having used such things as various dialects of basic, pascal(Delphi) assembler and some C (The only formal training I ever had in the art, was C based, but.......)
As part of my justification for holding down the chair to the floor, I have to support some software products, one of which, the part I'm involved with is created and maintained with C, and C::B now (was Borland CPP)
As I'm also "coming back to C" after a l o n g period away in Delphi land, and having been sent C::B to install and use (instalation went "OK" by the way, at least AFIK) And the sources from our benefactors compile OK, if somewhat slowly..
Working my way back into all this, I went and found my K&R book, and started working through the various parts.. As they say, it's all coming back now.
But.. Try as I might, I cant seem to get the debugger to, well, debug anything. I can set a breakpoint (I think) at least I get a red spot OK, but build/run, it just run's with no break. This being simple stand alone console app's for the moment.
At one point, I ended up with a message on shutting down C::B, that an active debug session will be closed. Hmmm... What active debug session? I couldnt get anything debug wise to be active.
As I also have an interest in using single chip devices, (Pic's & AVR's etc) I also found that C::B had "detected" SDCC on here too, but it insists on using whateve else it has for AVR's, that for whatever reason don't seem to support just about any of the popular current bacth of AVR chips. Well, it spits fethers at them shall we say...
"Here" is an XP laptop btw. All up to date, with 1.5G of ram etc, and generaly stable, even at my hands! :lol:....
Using the project wizards also highlights some strange things...
Most of the "default" ones I have tried all load, compile and run just fine. Nice job whoever did them. But the wxWidgets one doesnt compile/run, at all. (wxWidgets is installed, and built, again afik OK, but it's an alien environment to me, and I was told once it was compiled, I need not mess with it.)
The AVR project wizard is also confusing me, in particular, I can't find any way to specify the processor to use as the target, other than when specifying the initial project. Now, there are times when one would have to move from one chip to another, often because we out grow the things, or they become dificult to find etc.
When I do try to compile even the basic framwork source the AVR wizard gives you, I get a message to the extent that an "illegal compiler" was used. !!!! AFIK, at that moment it was trying to use the default offering, I got no choice about that, the compiler selection item was fixed and greyed out.
I'm also seeing some file/folder paths in the "Open Existing Project" dialog, that don't physicaly exist on this system. I sort of suspect that is not good :shock: as A reboot didnt' fix it either...
To all the experts out there...
Does this sound like a crap installation on my or my suppliers part, or just finger trouble on my part?
I saw mentioned somewhere the existance of a C::B "Manual".. Guess what I was not given... So, where do I get it from? (I've tried looking on svn/sourceforge, but those sites are s o o s l o w to respond, I gave up.
Anyway, all this relates to C::B Build Jan 10 2008, 17:13:42 - wx2.8.7 (Windows, unicode)
Comments, advice, bouquets, brickbats etc etc all greatfully accepted.
Cheers All. Time to go home, and find some loopy juice...