SVN or other version managment system is really great thing.
It can help You keep track of changes to sorce code,
so You can revert earlier version, when needed etc.
It is also must when You want to work with other programmers
( I thing every software developers use it, or should )
for example:
Three or more programmers want to work on a same file at the same time:
Without some managment, how do these programmers would work,
when only one can work on file, so others have to wait for his work done?
With managment, every programmer can do his work,
the versioning system manages changes to the source so when programmers
sends their work back to server, the system save every version( every change )
done to the source file( so You can eventually revert the file to the state before any change )
Unless the work of every programmer doesn't interfere with others, system can also
merge those changes into one final file, so when You download the file from server,
all changes done to the file by there programmers are already in.
I hope I explained the purpose of versioning system, so You can see that it is really important,
and believe me, it is not so hard to learn and use it. Go on and learn SVN.
And sorry if You already know it, but for some weird matter You don't want learn SVN..
There is also a nice manual of SVN on their homepage..
For the other part of your question, search forum/wiki for developers info, and when You don't have enought info, look to source
Good luck