Author Topic: Custom makefile not working when project has dependencies  (Read 3330 times)


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Custom makefile not working when project has dependencies
« on: March 26, 2008, 06:59:20 pm »
Hi people!

I'm using recently Code::Blocks (the ubuntu version) and is one of the best free IDEs that I've tried so far... but, I have a problem.

In my workspace I have two projects, one is a static library and the other is an application that uses this library.

To compile the application, I use a custom makefile generated by another application, and, for the library, the standard Codeblocks way.

If I compile the application without dependencies, it works fine, I can debug the application and everything is fine.
If I add the dependency with the library, then Codeblocks doesn't find the makefile, showing this error:

make: Makefile: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `Makefile'.  Stop.

Any ideas?
