Author Topic: VC Toolkit 2003 Questions  (Read 5669 times)


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VC Toolkit 2003 Questions
« on: August 23, 2005, 01:27:33 am »

did somebody already try to use the build in memory leak detectiion or the security checking of the Visual C++Toolkit? I tried using the Runtime Security Checks (/RTCu - Report Variable Use without Initialization). Unfortunatley my application (where I put in an uninitialized variable) crashes when I use this option from Code::Blocks.

Is there a way to use debugging functionality inside of Code::Blocks or is WinDBG the way to go?

Btw.: If I use functions like OutputDebugString() where will the output be directed? Is there a way to direct this output to the Compiler Messages tab of Code::Blocks?



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Re: VC Toolkit 2003 Questions
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2005, 04:32:37 am »
Hi there Christian,

Is there a way to use debugging functionality inside of Code::Blocks or is WinDBG the way to go?
I know you can use GDB debugger with Code::Blocks. I don't know very much about advanced features of this one but at least u have watches and breakpoints, basic debugging stuff from the IDE. I really don't know if you can do much more than this from the IDE.

Kindest regards,


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Re: VC Toolkit 2003 Questions
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2005, 06:26:15 am »
Not too up on debugging formats, but I don't think gdb support the debug symbols produced by the VC++ toolkit compiler (could be wrong).

debugview from sysinternals will catch OutputDebugString() output.