Quick question, what does the "extra code" in the properties menu do?
Also if I want to add my own members variables, is it safe to put it in the form's class or do I put it elsewhere.
Before I answer to the "extra code" question, there's one thing which should be known when working with wxSmith. It automatically regenerates parts of code - not whole files but only some blocks of it (it's the opposite of wxFormBuilder which regenerates whole files). Blocks are marked with special comments:
- this comment opens auto-regenerated block
- and this one closes it.
Anything between such comments should not be changed because wxSmith will overwrite the changes while editing the resource. Anything outside those blocks is not changed at all so you can safely add your stuff there.
The "extra code" property can be used when item require some adjustments just after it's created and before added to parent. This code will be added inside block regnerated by wxSmith marked with such comments:
//(*Initialize(<Class name>)
In the past it was used to setup icons for menu entries - after attaching such entry into parent menu, there was no way to change the icon - extra code added into wxSmith blocks was required.
Now since menu entries have icon property I don't know any practical and irreplaceable usage of "extra code" but I may be wrong so this property is still there
