Author Topic: The 20 April 2007 build will NOT be out.  (Read 6580 times)

Offline killerbot

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The 20 April 2007 build will NOT be out.
« on: April 21, 2007, 05:25:27 pm »
darn berlios


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Re: The 20 April 2007 build will NOT be out.
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2007, 03:17:51 am »
Hi, I have recently downloaded Code::Blocks, and I'm trying it for the first times.
I downloaded this nightly build, and it sees very nice.
I'm used to Visual C++, but recnetly I've to work with MinGW, so I was using Dev-C++ and his debugger isn't very good, and I was atracted by Code::Blocks essentially for user keywords highlighting, and code completion besides the debugger.

After this long introduction, I get to the point.
I'm having a lot of problems with the autocompletion. Sometimes it doesn't show anything, and when it shows the options, it shows not all of them, and shows some that shouldn't be there.

For example, when I have two classes A and B with a lot of functions both.
I write
A x;
x. //now should come autocompletion
But autocompletion shows me only some of the A functions, and shows me some of B functions. :S

Furthermore, when it doesn´t show the function I want, and I write it by hand, the IDE can't show me the functions argument list either.

Is autocompletion still a uncomplete developed feature? Or am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for comments.
I find the IDE really nice, but with this problems, I'm thinking I can't switch all my projects to it and have to wait until it's completely developed


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Re: The 20 April 2007 build will NOT be out.
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2007, 03:20:38 am »
Sorry....My upper post was for the 19th April build.
I have posted it there now.
My excuses.