Author Topic: PHP development?  (Read 83464 times)

Offline Decrius

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PHP development?
« on: April 05, 2007, 07:47:04 pm »

I was wondering one thing, could it be possible that Code::Blocks could make itself usefull for web applications? I know, its totally different to C and OpenGL stuff, but its widely used (HTML and PHP).

Why? I hate other software like Dreamweaver or other applications that are used to create websites, while CodeBlocks looks clean and efficient. IMO CodeBlocks is much easier to use and to code for (ie: I really like the feature that useless spaces/tabs at the end of a row are deleted, and that CB is free and open source :D).

I think the issue about providing a new language is the syntax coloring and error checks, right? (Not sure, as I haven't made IDE's or look-a-likes :P), I have all php functions in a MySQL db...

Anyway, tell me your thoughts :). And yes, I know most of you guys are probably no web application specialist, but consider it...could be really cool and usefull :D.

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Offline eranif

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Re: PHP development?
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2007, 08:43:31 pm »
There are better tools out there for PHP development that provides you more than syntax coloring & errors.

If you are a fan of eclipse, you can try out PDT from Zend (which is free ofc):

There is also a debugger, but you need to download it separately (the debugger can be found on the same link I provided above).


Offline Decrius

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Re: PHP development?
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2007, 11:12:46 pm »
Im using windows or linux...never heard of eclipse. I know there are some other applications doing it, but have a all in one package would just be awesome :).

Check out my website:

Offline eranif

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Re: PHP development?
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2007, 11:50:03 pm »
eclipse is currently, IMHO, the best free open source IDE around written in Java, so it makes it cross platform as well.
Basically it was designed for Java, but it evolved to work with C++ (the CDT plugin) and it has, like C::B, a plugin architecture and you can find on the web hundreds of plugins for eclipse including:

- Java (the default)
- C++
- Aajax
- UML tool
- Reporting framework (BIRT, Jaspper)
and much much more ...

If you are working on Linux then you probably has it installed, most of the major distributions of Linux includes eclipse.

BTW, the link to PDT I posted earlier, includes (beside of the PDT) also WST - which is a collection of web developments plugins for eclipse and eclipse itself.



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Re: PHP development?
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2007, 08:57:25 pm »
If you're looking for something compact and clean like C::B, I would suggest either Programmer's Notepad (open source) or PSPad (freeware, not open source). Both support a wide range of languages, and are lightweight (under 4MB each for the installers / memory actually taken by the program). If you're looking into having an 'executable' development environment, you ought to install a light test server, something like XAMPP with several other applications bundled together.

Offline rickg22

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Re: PHP development?
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2007, 04:16:39 am »
I use C::B for PHP programming. I had to set up a custom compiler using php -l (for syntax checking), and I use the HTML syntax highliting (it detects embedded html inside php). In fact I added the lastest patch to enable commenting php code using ctrl-shift-c. I was using HAPEdit, but I switched to C::B after all the patches made it usable for php coding.

Offline JGM

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Re: PHP development?
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2007, 08:23:48 am »
I use C::B for PHP programming. I had to set up a custom compiler using php -l (for syntax checking), and I use the HTML syntax highliting (it detects embedded html inside php). In fact I added the lastest patch to enable commenting php code using ctrl-shift-c. I was using HAPEdit, but I switched to C::B after all the patches made it usable for php coding.

Interesting, I make php programming too, i will try that :)

What php parser(compiler) are you using?

Offline rickg22

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Re: PHP development?
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2007, 03:20:28 pm »
i'm using php itself (the commandline version).


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Re: PHP development?
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2007, 03:03:50 pm »
rickg22: if we can manage to make it work like Eclipse would be really cool.

I found Code::Blocks extremely easy to use and I enjoy its usage a lot. I study ANSI C++ on my spare time (at home of course) and I plan to help Code::Blocks when I will feel that I am ready or better say, when I will feel that I really know what I'm doing.

My job as Search Engine Optimizer is to bring traffic to our client's websites as also try to bring their websites to #10 of Search Engines. I know it's tough but with a lot of study and practice you can bring results. My main responsibility is to maintain our client's website from bugs as also to monitoring their traffic. It's quite annoying for me to use a combination of programs to be able to work but what to do? My bosses pay for the programs so I don't really care so much.

What I do care though is not to PAY money to have programs that I use / have at work and not be able to have them at home. I am fed up with the idea of "piracy" or "stolen programs" etc but again it's not our fault. If the prices were at a logical level then I would gladly pay them to have their program. Since this issue is a common pain in the ...BIIIIIIP, I would like to know if we can do something with Code::Blocks to officially support programming and script languages like:

 - PHP
 - XML
 - Python
 - Perl
 - JavaScript
 - CSS

I know that sounds nice, at least to me [up to one point - I feel that a few of you want to kill me just by saying that :D] because it would be really comfortable to have a program all-in-one!

By the way guys, it's just my personal opinion or better say a personal suggestion! It doesn't mean that thing should be the way I say.

I would like to thank all of you guys who work with Code::Blocks and try to make it the best tool for its category. Keep up the good work.

Kindest Regards,


P.S: Even though I use FreeBSD, I must admit that Linus quoted something really nice :D

Software is like sex: it's better when it's free. [Linus Torvalds]

Offline thomas

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Re: PHP development?
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2007, 03:50:04 pm »
You can certainly use Code::Blocks to edit HTML/PHP/CSS files. You can launch the browser or PHP interpreter as tool, too. I have never tried it, but there should be no reason why it shouldn't work.

Other than that, however, I'm afraid that there is little PHP/whatever support at this time, and I'm strictly against adding any. The same goes for Java (with gjc, Java files are compileable, but that's it) or anything else.

dempl_dempl explained the reason very well:
KDevelop has plugin for 99999999 languages ,and none of them works normal, it's really overcrowded, bugy and I couldn't do anything usefull with it. I' like making programs, not admiring the number of absolutley un-needed features.

He could not have said it any better, this is exactly where Code::Blocks is going. We have serious deficiencies in the design and functionality of several major components, and instead of addressing them, we add hacks to "support" things that are not the IDE's actual objective.
We double and triple the amount of work, and we end up with a program that will never be finished and will never work in a satisfying manner for the one thing that's its main objective.

Yes, I'm aware that adding shiny features is more fun than properly implementing things that don't work, and a program that can do everything is ultra-cool. But it's ultra-counter-productive too.
"We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: Premature quotation is the root of public humiliation."


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Re: PHP development?
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2007, 05:08:59 pm »
thomas I couldn't agree more with you. Yes, you are absolutely right.

Since I can use Code::Blocks as an editor that would be fine with me. It would save me from a lot of trouble. Of course what I said before still counts; I really want to participate on Code::Blocks' development. I still need to increase my ANSI C++ knowledge and as soon as I feel ready, I will join the development team. Since I have a lot of available time it would be really helpful and relaxing too to those who stresses their personal time to help Code::Blocks Development.

I wish to all of you the best. Keep up the good work.



« Last Edit: September 01, 2007, 05:10:40 pm by stefanos_ »

Offline Shaft-O

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Re: PHP development?
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2007, 09:49:01 pm »
Other than that, however, I'm afraid that there is little PHP/whatever support at this time, and I'm strictly against adding any. The same goes for Java (with gjc, Java files are compileable, but that's it) or anything else.


We have serious deficiencies in the design and functionality of several major components, and instead of addressing them, we add hacks to "support" things that are not the IDE's actual objective.
We double and triple the amount of work, and we end up with a program that will never be finished and will never work in a satisfying manner for the one thing that's its main objective.

Yes, I'm aware that adding shiny features is more fun than properly implementing things that don't work, and a program that can do everything is ultra-cool. But it's ultra-counter-productive too.

I couldn't DISagree more.  I realize that I'm not involved in the development or maintenance of C::B in any way (yet?), but I'd really like to use it as my primary production tool, as it seems to be the closest thing out there to what I believe an open source IDE should be.  (And, yes, I do understand that what this all boils down to is personal preference.)

A typical day for me has me working on numerous projects, utilizing VBScript, PHP, HTML, CSS, and sometimes some strict VB and C or C-based derivatives.  Most times, these projects are open simultaneously, and switching back and forth between editors and project managers is not only tiresome, but also frustrating, and is definitely taxing on the resources of any development machine, regardless of the hardware spec.  That nifty "can't-live-without-it" feature that exists in one editor may be in a different place or not exist at all in another.  To be quite blunt, and this is by no means anything personal: if there were a better suited open source IDE that looked at all like it was going in the direction I'm interested in, I'd likely not be here.  That's just part of being a professional -- finding the right tool for the job.

My own personal view is that a great IDE will have all the bells and whistles one could ever dream up, but would be neatly contained and out of the way unless/until the user went looking for it.  I don't need the engine mounted on the roof in order to know it's a car, but if you're going to tuck it away in the engine compartment, I definitely want to know that it's got more than one cylinder, and I want to be able to tinker with what all eight of them can produce. :)

If supporting multiple language syntax was not a part of the original design, then why use the flexible lexer engine at all?

At the same time, I do appreciate your statement that hacking away to get new functionality should not take precedence over fixing existing bugs or finalizing half-implemented features, and THAT is a concept I most certainly respect and to which I wholeheartedly agree.

Fix what's broke... Then add more blinkin' lights. :)

Offline thomas

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Re: PHP development?
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2007, 11:20:48 pm »
I'm not against adding bells and whistles, or rather, support for PHP or anything.

But I am against adding it to a concept that won't work, with one hack after the other. This is just bull.
Neither the project manager nor the build system, nor anything else are designed to work with something grossly different from C++.

I'm with you when we're able to do it properly. But not with a workaround here and another there, and a hack to glue it together in another place, only to get some half-bred support.
"We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: Premature quotation is the root of public humiliation."


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« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2011, 04:57:12 pm »
Hello, although the topic was started almost 4 years ago, I think all post are still relative, and I'll try to continue discussion.

PHP 5 is object oriented, has opensource debbugers, many simple text editors support basic php development and debug, there are also many java(eclipse) based IDE's, there is even a plugin for MS VS to support PHP.
As C++ IDE's have much better feel, speed, and look more native in OS.
I think that php support in codeblocks would be great, because it is free, fast and WxWidgets based(which looks great both in win and *nix).

What is current situation with PHP support in CODE:BLOCKS?
Is debugging via xdebug supported? Does syntax highlighting work? Is autocomplete working?

Offline oBFusCATed

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Re: PHP development?
« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2011, 05:10:57 pm »
1. No, but there is an almost finished effort to make writing a debugger plugin easier -> see this topic,10908.0.html (there is a python debugger in the works, look at the end of the topic).
2. Syntax highlight works (Edit -> Hightlight mode -> HTML / PHP / JavaScript)
3. No, it doesn't

For improvements in PHP support, we need a dedicated developer interested in it and using it daily. (Replace PHP with any language you know).
Until such person shows up and takes the task to implement the features you ask for, nothing will be done.

p.s. Object oriented is not a selling feature any more, now Functional is the "modern" language feature :)
p.p.s. Kdevelop4 has some support for php (I think)
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