I just tried using code::blocks and wxwidgets to learn creating C++ GUI programs.
I am using wxMSW 2.8.0 and the C::B 08 march 2007 build. MinGW 5.1.3.
I compiled wxWidgets using the cmd:
mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc USE_XRC=1 SHARED=0 MONOLITHIC=1 BUILD=release UNICODE=1
Then I used the wxWidgets project wizard in C::B. The options I chose on the wizard pages are:
- wxWidgets 2.8.x
- wxSmith, Dialog Based
- GNU GCC Compiler, create debug and release configuration.
- use wxWidgets DLL = no, wxWidgets is built as monolithic library = yes, Enable unicode = yes.
- Additional libraries: I tried both none and only "wxWidgets JPEG Library"
I then selected "Release" then pressed F9.
But the build log is:
-------------- Build: Release in CobaCodeBlocks7 ---------------
Compiling: CobaCodeBlocks7Main.cpp
Compiling: resource.rc
Compiling: CobaCodeBlocks7App.cpp
Linking executable: bin\Release\CobaCodeBlocks7.exe
D:\prog\wxWidgets\lib\gcc_lib/libwxmsw28u.a(monolib_imagpng.o):imagpng.cpp:(.text+0x2c9): undefined reference to `png_get_io_ptr'
D:\prog\wxWidgets\lib\gcc_lib/libwxmsw28u.a(monolib_imagpng.o):imagpng.cpp:(.text+0x309): undefined reference to `png_get_io_ptr'
D:\prog\wxWidgets\lib\gcc_lib/libwxmsw28u.a(monolib_imagpng.o):imagpng.cpp:(.text+0x37f): undefined reference to `png_get_io_ptr'
D:\prog\wxWidgets\lib\gcc_lib/libwxmsw28u.a(monolib_imagpng.o):imagpng.cpp:(.text+0x460): undefined reference to `png_get_io_ptr'
D:\prog\wxWidgets\lib\gcc_lib/libwxmsw28u.a(monolib_imagpng.o):imagpng.cpp:(.text+0x677): undefined reference to `png_create_read_struct'
D:\prog\wxWidgets\lib\gcc_lib/libwxmsw28u.a(monolib_imagpng.o):imagpng.cpp:(.text+0x6aa): undefined reference to `png_set_read_fn'
D:\prog\wxWidgets\lib\gcc_lib/libwxmsw28u.a(monolib_imagpng.o):imagpng.cpp:(.text+0x6b8): undefined reference to `png_create_info_struct'
D:\prog\wxWidgets\lib\gcc_lib/libwxmsw28u.a(monolib_imagpng.o):imagpng.cpp:(.text+0x796): undefined reference to `png_destroy_read_struct'
D:\prog\wxWidgets\lib\gcc_lib/libwxmsw28u.a(monolib_imagpng.o):imagpng.cpp:(.text+0x816): undefined reference to `png_read_info'
.... and so on...
D:\prog\wxWidgets\lib\gcc_lib/libwxmsw28u.a(monolib_imagjpeg.o):imagjpeg.cpp:(.text+0xc92): undefined reference to `jpeg_set_quality'
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 8 seconds)
50 errors, 0 warnings
What's wrong with that?
Sorry I am a newbie in this area, I know C++ only as much as using std::iostream
Thanks in advance! I hope this first obstacle is solved so I can start developing...