Wait, what happened with Ceniza's bug reports about the toolbar crash... oh wait, you're using wxDockit, right?
Well some minor details with the toolbar. There's a new debug icon (step out), but it's 32x32 only, and I have my C::B set to 16x16, so it looks kinda ugly.
Also, what changes are done to the sourcecode? Are they reversible, just in case something happens? A week of tests with the wxDockit library seem too short to me. (Then again, that's only MHO ).
Finally, i've exchanged a few mails with one of the people who reported the wx2.5+ bugs - he's not available for two weeks so we can close the bugs in question.
I'd say we should keep the wxdockit as a separate branch, so the devs can still download it and test it, while keeping and working on the current branch. (Just be careful of not committing to the wrong branch :roll: )