Author Topic: The 14 february 2007 build is out.  (Read 45950 times)

Offline Biplab

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Re: The 14 february 2007 build is out.
« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2007, 03:22:17 pm »

I did face that SVN problem (SVN Number is showing as 0). I've solved it by adding PATH variable pointing svn bin directory in C::B environment. :)
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Re: The 14 february 2007 build is out.
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2007, 08:15:01 pm »
do you mean, adding the path of the svn exe to system PATH ??
I use tortoise svn, and I prefer to keep my path as clean as possible.
It used to work before the code restructuring, so it should be possible to have it workin again. Unfortunately i don't have time to sort it out at the moment, so all help is welcome.

Offline PsYhLo

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Re: The 14 february 2007 build is out.
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2007, 09:12:51 pm »

Works for me, what protocol are you using? http or svn? I believe that I am using svn:

Tim S


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Re: The 14 february 2007 build is out.
« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2007, 09:20:10 pm »
do you mean, adding the path of the svn exe to system PATH ??
I use tortoise svn, and I prefer to keep my path as clean as possible.
It used to work before the code restructuring, so it should be possible to have it workin again. Unfortunately i don't have time to sort it out at the moment, so all help is welcome.

Any other svn tools on your machine?

Note, I read somewhere on this board that they just started using the svn tool using xml output. I think I might be able to find a way to have it work without have it needed to be added to the system path, but I think you will need an SVN tool that does XML output. No, Idea if tortoise svn does I will see if it does I have it on my machine.

Tim S
« Last Edit: February 15, 2007, 09:22:43 pm by stahta01 »
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Re: The 14 february 2007 build is out.
« Reply #19 on: February 15, 2007, 10:25:56 pm »

Works for me, what protocol are you using? http or svn? I believe that I am using svn:

Tim S


Is it still not working?
If not, have you tried pinging or trace routes to verify connectivity issues?

Tim S
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Offline stahta01

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Re: The 14 february 2007 build is out.
« Reply #20 on: February 16, 2007, 01:08:27 am »
do you mean, adding the path of the svn exe to system PATH ??
I use tortoise svn, and I prefer to keep my path as clean as possible.
It used to work before the code restructuring, so it should be possible to have it workin again. Unfortunately i don't have time to sort it out at the moment, so all help is welcome.

Any other svn tools on your machine?

Note, I read somewhere on this board that they just started using the svn tool using xml output. I think I might be able to find a way to have it work without have it needed to be added to the system path, but I think you will need an SVN tool that does XML output. No, Idea if tortoise svn does I will see if it does I have it on my machine.

Tim S

If you have svn.exe on your PC, you can add "C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin" to the compiler "Tool chain Excutable" "Additional Path". I just tested it and it works for me. Note, the "bin" sub-folder was required.

Note, my svn.exe was version

Tim S
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Offline Biplab

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Re: The 14 february 2007 build is out.
« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2007, 02:21:01 am »
do you mean, adding the path of the svn exe to system PATH ??
I use tortoise svn, and I prefer to keep my path as clean as possible.
It used to work before the code restructuring, so it should be possible to have it workin again. Unfortunately i don't have time to sort it out at the moment, so all help is welcome.

@killerbot, sorry my reply was not bit clear.

I do use TortoiseSVN. But the problem with TortoiseSVN is there is no svn.exe file in the installation folder. So autorevision.exe will fail to create a proper autorevision.h file.

What I did-
  • Extracted SVN client binary to a folder (C:\DevTools\svn-win32-1.4.3 in my comp)
  • Went to Setings>Environment menu. Then in Environment variables I've added PATH=C:\DevTools\svn-win32-1.4.3\bin

Basically that solved my problem.

But you'll notice another problem. You'll see that in Start page, the time is bit peculiar. I've reported this problem along with a patch to solve it in the following thread.

Hope this solves your problem. :D


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Re: The 14 february 2007 build is out.
« Reply #22 on: February 16, 2007, 07:49:03 am »
Also the code parsing (I mean the symbol table in Management Dialog) is a bit crashed. (from 8/2/2007 nightly build)

During I switch focus files, the "Current file symbols" will sometimes display nothing.

I need to re-activate the corresponding project, then switch the "View" to "Active Project Symbols", then back to "Current file symbols" in order to restore the expected symbols table.

Please help.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2007, 07:50:40 am by L(C^2) »


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Re: The 14 february 2007 build is out.
« Reply #23 on: February 16, 2007, 01:52:47 pm »
I have found a nother way to solve this problem with svn.exe.
My Idea was to ad a little .bat file named svn.bat which is called by autorevision.exe.
It consists of:
C:\Programme\svn-win32-1.4.3\bin\svn.exe %*
Before the dir restructoring it worked fine for me but now there is also only "Revision 0" on the
Splashscreen and so on.

Offline stahta01

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Re: The 14 february 2007 build is out.
« Reply #24 on: February 16, 2007, 01:58:31 pm »
I have found a nother way to solve this problem with svn.exe.
My Idea was to ad a little .bat file named svn.bat which is called by autorevision.exe.
It consists of:
C:\Programme\svn-win32-1.4.3\bin\svn.exe %*
Before the dir restructoring it worked fine for me but now there is also only "Revision 0" on the
Splashscreen and so on.

Where did you put the svn.bat file?

Tim S
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Re: The 14 february 2007 build is out.
« Reply #25 on: February 16, 2007, 02:09:51 pm »

I have put it in the autorevision Folder. Where the autorevision.exe is build.

Offline killerbot

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Re: The 14 february 2007 build is out.
« Reply #26 on: February 16, 2007, 04:44:16 pm »
When one has TortoiseSvn installed, there's no svn.exe. So bit ackward to add yet another svn client. So will revert temporarily back to previous method and wait till Thomas i back to fully fix the issue. It has worked in the past without pah adjusting and without extra svn installs, so probably should keep working like this ...

Offline Biplab

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Re: The 14 february 2007 build is out.
« Reply #27 on: February 16, 2007, 05:02:48 pm »

You are right, earlier it used to work without svn.exe.

I've mentioned another problem. Did you face that? I'm bit confused with that. In Windows build I'm getting that problem, but in Linux that problem is not coming up. Don't know why? (Windows & Linux build based on Revision 3609, Windows with my patch, Linux without any patch) :!:
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Offline killerbot

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Re: The 14 february 2007 build is out.
« Reply #28 on: February 16, 2007, 05:19:00 pm »
I also have it in linux : "svn build rev 3609 (2007-02-15T15:43:11.509615Z) gcc 4.1.2 Linux/unicode"

Well more work for Thomas ;-)

Offline Biplab

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Re: The 14 february 2007 build is out.
« Reply #29 on: February 16, 2007, 05:23:01 pm »
I also have it in linux : "svn build rev 3609 (2007-02-15T15:43:11.509615Z) gcc 4.1.2 Linux/unicode"

Well more work for Thomas ;-)

Thanks for the reply. :D

Try applying my patch. It basically removes unwanted characters. But it doesn't fix any time zone related conversions. I hope there's not much work for Thomas.  ;)
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