Author Topic: QT4 partial solution but have runtime issue  (Read 4041 times)

Offline JRM

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QT4 partial solution but have runtime issue
« on: February 12, 2007, 01:28:07 am »
Hello all,

I'm running FC4 linux with a recent 'nightly build" of codeblocks. (build jan 26, 2007)

i have follwed the footsteps of others here and went the route of editing the the qt wizard script file *wizard.script
and the qt.cbp. I replaced all refereces to path names with the actual path to Qt4.
However on a linux version of Trolltech's distro, the library file names are slightly diffent than those listed in the wizard script,
so path correct or not , the effect was the same-file not found.

I used the locate database and grep to filter out the specific file names by using incomplete versions to see what they
real names were. Most of the problem was an appended "4" in the filename or having *.a extention instead of *.so
This worked OK to the point of getting the project to load and compile.

The last hurdle is get the debug and release run-times to work.
I get "error while loading shared libraies No such file or directory"

Obviously there is a path problem here as well, but I have no idea what to do about it.
In fact all the files in the script are using *.so not *.so.4, so I have no clue what file that
version was read from. The *so.4 exists, by the way. How do I get the run-time to path to it?


Offline yop

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Re: QT4 partial solution but have runtime issue
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2007, 10:28:27 pm »
Setting up a Qt project by hand is a serious PITA and this is exactly what the wizard tries to achieve. Try this out to see if it helps: but I wouldn't bet on it as I haven't tested it on fedora (suse ubuntu and gentoo seem pretty happy with it for *simple* projects). In any case setting up your own custom qmake tool and build with a makefile would be sufficient.
Life would be so much easier if we could just look at the source code.

Offline JRM

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Re: QT4 partial solution but have runtime issue
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2007, 05:29:08 am »
Wow! looks like you've put a bit of work into that!

I took a look at the .cbp file. You have alot of extra compiler/linker entires like the -L option
which I was was toying with adding, lack the knowlege and experience to get it right.
I assume that
 the ../.../ stuff in the directory paths means "put your path here?

Since I am a neophite at this stuff, I am also intimidated by all the files.
I have no idea where to install them, lest I be back a square one with a bunch of disparate
files that don't get found where they need to be.

I assume the *.cpp file will compile into a lib file?

I would be willing to give it a shot if you would be kind enough to help me with the installation.


Offline yop

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Re: QT4 partial solution but have runtime issue
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2007, 07:28:17 pm »
If you have built C::B from sources this would seem quite easy ;-)
I don't really know how the maintainer of the night build for FC4 has set the paths (where the executables are, or the plugins). If you haven't built at least once C::B on your own it will be a serious PITA to build the plugin and will most probably make furious. You will need the following things:

* C::B sources
* QtWorkbench sources, unpack them in the contrib plugins sources directory
* Build C::B. If this works we 're good to go
* Using the correct project file (qtworkbench-unix.cbp) open the plugin in C::B and build
* Run C::B from the output dir
Life would be so much easier if we could just look at the source code.

Offline JRM

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Re: QT4 partial solution but have runtime issue
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2007, 12:38:15 am »

The nightly builds are rpm binaries. ( hey It's human nature to take tha easy way out!)
The good news is that I have all the dependent files since it installed without compalint.
RPM's are famous for complaints and causing the operator go on file quests! I like the yum
updater -more like plug and play..but I digress.

The good new is that I have a working model of C::B to copy from.
If memory serves, I believe it lives in /usr/local. Let's assume that's true...

The sequence is do the build and make in the local directory?
Your code is inserted in the source files before I do any builing or making??

I appreciate your help, and I'm asking how do the basic install, but just want a clarification
of where and when to insert the tha plugin.

as I understand it at this time, I just need the *.cpp for the build and the *.cbp file for the plugin afger C::B is hand built?  I also assume that the .cbp  file will live with the others in the Template directory?
