I personally don't always find it particularly useful to toggle comments, in the way that the "[ctrl]+[shift]+[c]" shortcut currently works. If one wishes to temporarily comment a block of code, also containing some lines which are natural language comments, the original comments become uncommented, and one has to go through more manually adjusting things.
The way the Eclipse editor, for instance, works, is that there are separate shortcuts to comment and uncomment the selection. These work quite similarly to indent / unindent, so "//" style comments are added to, or removed from the beginning of lines accordingly.
Perhaps it is good programming practice to avoid these kinds of situations as much as possible. However, for a relative newbie such as myself, I do find myself wanting to quickly test (or attempt to compile :oops:) a program with a chunk of code removed quite often.
It should be a trivial modification, if any of the devs finds some time to implement it, I think it would be a worthwhile improvement.