Author Topic: success!!  (Read 3648 times)


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« on: November 26, 2006, 03:40:21 pm »
My sincere thanks to all the development team for a great IDE!!

As a newbie wanting to learn C++ and wxWidgets I decided to download VC++ 20005 ,PSDK and wxWidgets 2.7.0.

Everything worked perfect first time having compiled wxWidgets as an ANSI Multi Threaded Static Library.

And now to Code::Blocks, I wanted a cleaner, faster IDE that gave me better control of the compiler(s) so I decided to download a nightly build and the two associated run time library's, I unzipped all of these to a new folder ( C:\CodeBlocks ) , and WOW!! it worked perfect.

On start up it found VC++ 2005 and set it as my default compiler (Brilliant!!) and only left me to set the global variables for the PSDK and wxWidgets.

I decided to start a new project based on the WIN32 Project Wizard, added two wxWidgets include paths and one wxWidgets library path.

This was the amazing part, if you are using VC++ you do not have to select any of the wxWidgets library's to link with as wxWidgets uses the setup.h to set this all for you ( C:\wxWidgets-2.7.0\include\msvc\wx\setup.h ).

Next I set the compiler options and defines then onto coding my wxWidgets minimal application, I simply deleted all the code on my WIN 32 sample and copied everything from the wxWidget minimal sample and pasted it in.

I could not believe it when the compiler stopped after only 49 seconds with a success message!! , the application ran perfect and was 1.08 mb in size, 391kb after UPX.

Again thanks to all the development team for all their hard work and precious time to make a truly fantastic application!!
