Author Topic: Code::Blocks + wxPack...  (Read 27720 times)


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Re: Code::Blocks + wxPack...
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2006, 08:01:03 pm »
Ok, so what I want to do is use the release version non-unicode (cause I want compatibility for Windows 98 as well)... RJP will that configuration you show me allow me to use this version (the release non-unicode version) of the wxWidgets libs?

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Re: Code::Blocks + wxPack...
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2006, 08:06:23 pm »
Ok, so what I want to do is use the release version non-unicode (cause I want compatibility for Windows 98 as well)... RJP will that configuration you show me allow me to use this version (the release non-unicode version) of the wxWidgets libs?
Yes all you need to do is make sure the 'u' is off the link library name. (The 'u' stands Unicode)


This is the way that all the wxWidgets library is setup.
- Ryan

Ubuntu/WinXP, AMD Athlon 64 3000+, 1000MB RAM, AC 97 Audio, ATI Radeon 9600XT 256MB


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Re: Code::Blocks + wxPack...
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2006, 08:22:35 pm »
What about in the wizard configuration... The one with all of the checkmarks. I should probably deselect the debug version, leave the release version selected and in the second wizard dialog I should uncheck everything but the "Create and Use Precompiled Headers" right?

I think that one setting was left forgotten... correct me if I'm wrong... but in the TopLevelTarget>Directories>Compiler there is a setting there that is like so: "$(#wx)\lib\gcc_\msw" Shouldn't it be changed to this (in my case I'm using actual libs and not dlls): "$(#wx)\lib\gcc_lib\msw"?

here are some attachments so you can see what I'm talking about...

[attachment deleted by admin]

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Re: Code::Blocks + wxPack...
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2006, 09:48:17 pm »
Don't be afraid to try these settings out. If they don't work try some more. That is the best way to learn.

I attached screen shots of every wizard screen so you can just duplicate the details.

Have you ever wrote software before? I am not trying to be mean at all, it is just that you are asking some fundamental software development questions. It is OK, but an idea of what you have done before would help tailor the responses for you.  :D

[attachment deleted by admin]
- Ryan

Ubuntu/WinXP, AMD Athlon 64 3000+, 1000MB RAM, AC 97 Audio, ATI Radeon 9600XT 256MB


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Re: Code::Blocks + wxPack...
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2006, 11:37:25 pm »
I have never done anything professional if that is what you are asking... My dream was to become a software engineer, but after I saw the maths and physics that I had to tackle and saw how poorly I was doing in these classes, I saw that my dream that could not become reality... So I changed to a Mutimedia based course (Photoshop classes and the like) where there is no Math or Physics. I start in a couple of days...

I have programmed in Visual Basic, Pascal, and C, the first two are the ones that I am better at. The thing is that I have never programmed in C++ before and all of these configurations that I must do to get the IDE to work correctly and stuff is kinda new to me... C was never really my forte, that could be becuase I am forced to study it in a language that is not the one I grew up with (I'm an imigrant USA->Portugal, trust me Portuguese is way harder to understand than English is...), actually it could be the reason that I am bad at math as well, up until the point that I imigrated I always had Bs and As in math with the least amount of effort...

Where was I? ... ... Oh yeah... I'm pretty new to C++, I'm going to learn it basically while I program, and since I never compiled almost anything other than the programs that I had made, building wxWidgets and configuring compilers is still pretty new to me. The only type of programs that I have done before are the simple ones, exercises which I was told to do. Basically... apply the algorithm that they supply, or make a program from the description given to you. Those were the types of programs that I did in C and Pascal... In Visual Basic I did more programs with databases than anything else, most of which were games like who wants to be a millionare or a lottery emulator (it doesn't generate lottery numbers... you just select a few numbers and hope to get some of them right).

I am thankful (I'm almost sure that that is spelled with two "l"s...) that all of you here have been very patient with me, I know that my constant questioning can become quite tiresome and annoying (as RJP might already know from another forum :P), it's just that I like to always get a second opinion... Sometimes I might be very sure of something, but I don't try it because I'm afraid that something bad might happen, so I ask for a second opinion... I guess I'm just a coward afraid of the consequences of my choices...

Anyway, I just compiled an example program and everything went fine. Here is what the log had to say:

-------------- Build: Release in CDMaster ---------------
Precompiling header: wx_pch.h
Compiling: main.cpp
Compiling: app.cpp
Linking executable: bin\Release\CDMaster.exe
Process terminated with status 0 (0 minutes, 15 seconds)
0 errors, 0 warnings
« Last Edit: September 08, 2006, 11:48:37 pm by StateS »

Offline RJP Computing

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Re: Code::Blocks + wxPack...
« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2006, 01:22:13 am »
Great to here that you got it working. :!: :!: :!:

Well you have triggered fixing the wizard so that it will work for everybody, so you did a good thing. But knowing this is your first program with C++ the questions are understandable. Not every project needs to be tweaked like I have described, so don't give up.

Remember that you can do anything your REALLY want to, so if Software Engineering is your goal, STICK WITH IT! :D

Ask questions just give some point of reference for people so that they know you are not just trying to be annoying. You will most likely get better help. :wink:
- Ryan

Ubuntu/WinXP, AMD Athlon 64 3000+, 1000MB RAM, AC 97 Audio, ATI Radeon 9600XT 256MB


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Re: Code::Blocks + wxPack...
« Reply #21 on: September 09, 2006, 01:31:52 am »
Thanks RJP. I'll be sure to do that next time I have a question.