Author Topic: The 02 september 2006 build is out.  (Read 22829 times)

Offline kelo81

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Re: The 02 september 2006 build is out.
« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2006, 02:04:29 am »
An Open Source Project that ignores Linux in favor of Windows... I lived to see this one  :shock:
As if Windows coders don't prefer Visual Studio... or the free version VS Express...
I get more disappointed in C::B everyday. Maybe if I fall asleep for a year, and I come back, C::B will be usable on Linux?  :?

Linux is synonym of Open Source, but Open source is NOT synonym of Linux... keep that in mind. And use the forums to contribute something, not to bother the developers with this kind of shit.
Personally, I love Linux, but I prefer to report the bugs I find, and try to help with them, than offending the developers.
Ezequiel Ruiz
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Offline nix_BB

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Re: The 02 september 2006 build is out.
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2006, 08:40:05 am »
An Open Source Project that ignores Linux in favor of Windows... I lived to see this one  :shock:
As if Windows coders don't prefer Visual Studio... or the free version VS Express...
I get more disappointed in C::B everyday. Maybe if I fall asleep for a year, and I come back, C::B will be usable on Linux?  :?

I've been using Visual Studio for 9 years now, whereas I've been following the progress of C::B for a mere 6 months - during this short time I've seen features being added to C::B that took years to manifest in VS. Most of the progress in VS has been for the sake of the other languages it supports- and some of the features have been a total waste of time! (We can count ourselves lucky that the paper clip never found it's way to VS.)

Granted C::B may be a little behind VS in some regards and may pass through stages of instability from time to time- BUT C::B is catching up very quickly, and the periods of instability stem from the simple fact that we are using and evaluating a work in progress. Show me a developer who hasn't crippled his own project sometime during the process of development and I'll show you a n00b who's yet to get past the 'Hello World' exercise in his homework book.

I'm a firm believer that open source projects such as this will become the dominant form of software in the future, because the novelty of buying new versions of $600 MS licenses for the sake of a new feature or two wears off very quickly. Consider Subversion vs. Source Safe, those who have used both solutions will find it very hard to argue in favor of SourceSafe, and with the inclusion of TortoiseSVN the argument is moot.

So I ask those who would show disrespect to these pioneer developers to please consider who they would turn to in five years time when MS sees fit to abandon support for C/C++ in favor of C#.

To the C::B team - you have the admiration and respect from this devout C::B fan, I don't regret the day I stumbled upon your fantastic little project.

Now could someone please see to this document tab switching!! ;) :P

Offline skirby

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Re: The 02 september 2006 build is out.
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2006, 09:52:34 am »
Great thanks, to the whole C::B team.
Combo box in Toolbar work fine now on Windows 2000 :D

Have a nice day.


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Re: The 02 september 2006 build is out.
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2006, 06:45:12 pm »
First, I think you guys deserve an apology from my behalf, for the evilness and the attitude in my post, I surely didn't intend to make it so mean.
Second, I am glad so many users actually cared to reply. Of all, killerbot's reply was the smartest.

Mandrav, however, seemed to be hurt the most. And I feel I should give him a reply:
Letting the linux version in an unstable state for almost a week? A whole week? The development version?
Sorry, Mandrav, your sarcastic post made it difficult for me to understand when did I ever refer to the development version?

Oh, by the way, I never received your patches. What address did you mail them to?
The same address where I bill my hours for patching software that I want to use for my projects.

You know, i don't know how people have the audacity to say such things. I wouldn't dare.
No, really, I can't understand neither. How could I point out that I really really wanted to find a stable version of C::B for Linux that had a decent Code Completion?  (is that really too much to ask?). I shouldn't have dared. I should have said how great the software is, and how rapidly it is growing, like you all do? Well, sorry. It's not all flowers and cakes. I was desperately trying to make it work. I compiled several nightly builds. I even wrote a long post (August 26 nightly build) about what I found wrong with C::B (at the first glance) and even provided screenshots of C::B crashing. No reply, no bug-fix. Seemed like I was ignored, and the bug along with me. Not that I am complaining, I should have probably submitted it at BerliOS, but when I saw there are so many bugs opened, I started to doubt if any of them are actually read.

Give the developers a break, they will get it done in their own time.
I never intended to give them a hard time. As I said, I tried to be helpful. In my previous post, I pointed out that, I, for instance, didn't like the feeling that I will always have to use a slightly buggier version of C::B, just because I use Linux. And Visual Studio served as an example of usable software on Windows, as opposed to Linux, where I couldn't find a good IDE. And when I thought that "Finally, the next best thing, Code Blocks!" and then I read Mandarv's post, I understood that it will never be as good as the Windows version of C::B.. and I got a bit pissed off...maybe even carried away :/ for which I apologize.

You good sir are an idiot.
Once in a while, we are all idiots. Some more often than others.

When you can write an cross-platform IDE with as much functionality as this one, then you can have an opinion, until then just be grateful you are getting something for free.
The funny things is that I could probably write something that will satisfy my needs, and that is: a text editor, code assist and a little Build button. I just don't want to waste my time on writing something that already exists, just as much as I don't want to spend my time fixing other people's code, when all I want is a simple code editor on Linux. I have my own projects to develop, and so far, it looks like I should stick to my good old editor without code completion.

Well, sigh. We don't favor any OS above another. But there are much more windows users then linux ones, so the number of feedback will be bigger in that corner.
I should have thought of that in the first place. My apologies to you personally.

By the way, what's so dreadfully wrong with vi.
Nothing ;) That's the point. I think that for now, I'll stick to VI. I just wanted an editor with Code-Completion.. and apparently I am asking the wrong way...

maybe it's a good idea you fell asleep for a year
I think VI will do for a year, unless I decide to throw some bug reports at you guys :)

at least you won't be offending people putting their heart into this project.
You must agree that sometimes, this is necessary, as a little break from all the applauses on the forum :)

I do hope you realize that with such an attitude you are just breaking down open source projects instead of supporting them.
I doubt that 1 person will bring down this project. Besides, I don't intend to do that, my only concern is that the developers of this project stick to the needs of everybody.

Nevertheless, I'd like to offer you an alternative : install wine, go buy Visual Studio and run it in Wine.
While that might be an idea, I never liked VS that much and I surely don't like the UI in wine :P

And use the forums to contribute something, not to bother the developers with this kind of shit.
My previous post contributed more than you will ever understand. Think long-term, not short-term.

Personally, I love Linux, but I prefer to report the bugs I find, and try to help with them, than offending the developers.
Will try to follow your example sir.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I am glad I made my point. Maybe in a primitive way, maybe with an attitude, but I am glad you all saw it.
And if out of anger you decide to classify me as one of those ranting idiots, it is your right to do it.
My grandmother used to say: "if you're doing something, do it right" .... Whether it has a price tag on it, or not.

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Re: The 02 september 2006 build is out.
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2006, 07:08:12 pm »
Mandrav, however, seemed to be hurt the most. And I feel I should give him a reply:

Hurt? No. Pissed off? Absolutely.

Letting the linux version in an unstable state for almost a week? A whole week? The development version?
Sorry, Mandrav, your sarcastic post made it difficult for me to understand when did I ever refer to the development version?

You posted in the nightly builds board. I don't recall providing nightly builds for the last stable version, 1.0rc2...

Oh, by the way, I never received your patches. What address did you mail them to?
The same address where I bill my hours for patching software that I want to use for my projects.

Oh? And what address is that? Because I want to bill my hours too for software that I (mostly) create for others that can later come here and bitch about my productivity and/or sensitivity about their beloved OS.

And when I thought that "Finally, the next best thing, Code Blocks!" and then I read Mandarv's post, I understood that it will never be as good as the Windows version of C::B.. and I got a bit pissed off...maybe even carried away :/ for which I apologize.

Darn, you figured out our evil masterplan: rule the world with Windows...

In conclusion, I would like to say that I am glad I made my point. Maybe in a primitive way, maybe with an attitude, but I am glad you all saw it.

Yes, we all saw how arrogant and ungratefull some people can be...

And if out of anger you decide to classify me as one of those ranting idiots, it is your right to do it.
My grandmother used to say: "if you're doing something, do it right" .... Whether it has a price tag on it, or not.

Well, if you think you did something right in this occasion, I fail to see it but it's your right to think so.

And as a last word, I prefer linux too over windows. But I 'm long past the age to be passionate/offensive about an OS (except maybe for philosophical discussions). I believe I dropped this kind of thinking somewhere around my early 30s...
Be patient!
This bug will be fixed soon...


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Re: The 02 september 2006 build is out.
« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2006, 07:20:10 pm »
When I reach 30, I will be entitled to reply to your post.
Until then, I will try to be helpful, for a change.


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Re: The 02 september 2006 build is out.
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2006, 08:39:18 pm »
Until then, I will try to be helpful, for a change.
Please be helpful. Go back to the attitude of your firsts posts, which are welcomed.
You'll have to understand that as in all forums and mailing lists, some posts got replies, some doesn't. It's a matter of luck.

Now I'll talk about your post here:
That is an excellent quality bug report, which you should have submitted at berlios (I was going to point that at that moment but I didn't).
At the forum the motto is: "if you don't get replies in 2~3 days, report it to the bug-tracker" because if you don't do so, it will get buried and forgotten between thousands of forum posts.