Author Topic: Mac OSX: How can I get it to find "wx"  (Read 20091 times)

Offline Pecan

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Re: Mac OSX: How can I get it to find "wx"
« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2006, 03:11:58 am »
(Well i don't know how Code::Blocks behaves on 10.4 -- maybe it's more usable than on 10.3) However, if you need cross-platform, of course it won't work. Either use Code::Blocks, but knowing it may not work properly. For instance, on my compuer, Code::blocks isn't able to run projects or to debug.

My experience is that Mac CB works fine for me on 10.3.9 both for compiling and debugging.

I compile CB with CB weekly (sometimes more often). And thats a big complicated project.

Admittedly, there are some quirks in the UI. But they're not that bothersome.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2006, 03:19:03 am by Pecan »

Offline Auria

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Re: Mac OSX: How can I get it to find "wx"
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2006, 03:36:54 am »
Nice it's working for you... but for me trying to run even the simplest project results in

Checking for existence: /[...]/project_name/project_name
Executing: xterm -T 'hg' -e 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH "/[...]/project_name" ' (in /[...]/project_name/.)
Process terminated with status 255 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)

(Or maybe it happens because i haven't configured something properly? I believed hitting 'run' should be okay but now i realize i should maybe have investigated a bit further...)

I know Code::Blocks on mac can be used, be probably still needs testing and might not fit the needs of someone looking for a well-tested reliable tool

Offline afb

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Re: Mac OSX: How can I get it to find "wx"
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2006, 01:31:25 pm »
The run path is currently still defaulting to use X11 and "xterm",
we need to set it to open the on Mac OS X (wxMac)

(i.e. it's a bug)

I usually set mine (C::B) to just run the produced binary/exe directly,
and it will open up a Terminal window if needed - or just run the GUI.


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Re: Mac OSX: How can I get it to find "wx"
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2006, 10:22:44 pm »
Okay, all

I have go a big bunch of advice, so I understand things a little bit better now, I think.
I put in all the parameters given to me here into the project settings, but unfortunately it did not solve my initial question:

Line 9 in ./wx_pch.h in my barebones wxWidgets template project,
#include <wx/wxprec.h>
gives an error during the generation of the precompiled headers that the file is not found.
So it still don't know where wx is.

Again, the complete path to wxprec.h is:

What more can I do?

Offline Auria

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Re: Mac OSX: How can I get it to find "wx"
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2006, 10:48:20 pm »
What'S the exact error messgae? 'gives an error that the file is not found' does not exactly sound obvious to me :lol:

Offline Pecan

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Re: Mac OSX: How can I get it to find "wx"
« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2006, 12:33:26 am »
Please turn on full compiler logging

Settings->Compiler and Debugger->"Other"->Compiler logging = "Full command line".

Then post the compiler command line Along with the error message window
for that compile.


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Re: Mac OSX: How can I get it to find "wx"
« Reply #21 on: September 05, 2006, 08:41:01 pm »
The log field is not handling the clipboard as it should, so I have to post a screen part:

[attachment deleted by admin]


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Re: Mac OSX: How can I get it to find "wx"
« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2006, 09:01:19 pm »

I guess it is solved.
In "Compiler and debugger settings/Global compiler/Programs/Additional Paths" i added "/opt/local/bin".
Then the wx project built without errors.

Thank you all for your attention to help me thru.

Offline Pecan

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Re: Mac OSX: How can I get it to find "wx"
« Reply #23 on: September 06, 2006, 03:24:20 am »

I guess it is solved.
In "Compiler and debugger settings/Global compiler/Programs/Additional Paths" i added "/opt/local/bin".
Then the wx project built without errors.

Thank you all for your attention to help me thru.

That would mean that /opt/local/bin became part of the path searched for executable programs. i.e., wx-config was found on the executable path.

You could have also solved it  by adding  /opt/local/bin to the "path" variable in your  user .profile


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Re: Mac OSX: How can I get it to find "wx"
« Reply #24 on: September 06, 2006, 08:50:54 am »

You could have also solved it  by adding  /opt/local/bin to the "path" variable in your  user .profile

A bit strange, since 'wx-config' is readily available in my normal Terminal window.

Should CB import the normal user-defined path? It seems to me it does not do this.

Offline Pecan

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Re: Mac OSX: How can I get it to find "wx"
« Reply #25 on: September 06, 2006, 02:33:40 pm »

You could have also solved it  by adding  /opt/local/bin to the "path" variable in your  user .profile

A bit strange, since 'wx-config' is readily available in my normal Terminal window.

Should CB import the normal user-defined path? It seems to me it does not do this.

If wx-config is executable from terminal, it is reachable from the executable path. If so, I don't understand why you received
"wx-config: command not found" in your previous msg. It's a mystery to me.

Offline afb

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Re: Mac OSX: How can I get it to find "wx"
« Reply #26 on: September 06, 2006, 07:50:44 pm »
Maybe he set the PATH for some weird shell like "csh",
but Code::Blocks uses a sane shell like "sh" ? Perhaps.

To avoid tripping, I've not included /opt/local/bin in mine.
Avoids mixing up DarwinPorts and System/Local programs.


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Re: Mac OSX: How can I get it to find "wx"
« Reply #27 on: September 06, 2006, 10:29:59 pm »
I am using /bin /tcsh.
This is my PATH:
[Tiger:~] bnilsson% echo $PATH

BTW, why is "/bin /tcsh" without space a forbidden word here? I get "Forbidden" if I try to post or preview it.