Author Topic: Download QTWorkbench plugin  (Read 4341 times)

Offline joachim

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Download QTWorkbench plugin
« on: July 29, 2006, 05:47:16 pm »

I have been searchin the forums to find out from where to download the QTWorkbench plugin.
Completely withou success.

Can anyone let me know where to find it?

W2K, SP4, Compiling Nightly.


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Re: Download QTWorkbench plugin
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2006, 12:59:25 am »
Hi there,

I would be interested in that plugin as well. Does anyone know anything about its whereabouts?



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Re: Download QTWorkbench plugin
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2006, 01:04:43 am »

Offline Pecan

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Re: Download QTWorkbench plugin
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2006, 01:10:10 am »
What is it?
Adds support for Qt to the Code::Blocks IDE
Using qmake, Trolltech's makefile generator, included in every Qt installation. The plugin generates input files (.pro files) for qmake and then runs it to generate a makefile.

I am attaching an archive with the plugin sources. You just have to unpack in the contrib plugins folder of the C::B sources ([C::B sources base dir]/src/plugins/contrib/) and build using one of the latest revisions of Code::Blocks (no it won't work with RC2). Then just run the update.bat in windows or in linux and voila! Just to be on the safe side delete any previous versions of the plugin's files (qtworkbench.dll or .so and in the [C::B exec path]/share/CodeBlocks/plugins/ and [C::B exec path]/share/CodeBlocks/ respectively)
The use when the plugin is loaded is intentionally very straight forward. You get a menu item labeled QtWorkbench that presents you with Qt project building options (Build Rebuild Clean and Qt Project Options). The last is where you set Qt specific options. These options are saved and retrieved to/from a qmake project file (thus not polluting the Code::Blocks project file).

  • You'll have to use the Build/Clean/Rebuild commands only from the QtWorkbench menu item in order to use the plugin during the build process.
  • Each target must have it's own folder having the same name as the target (qmake needs each target to be in a seperate dir and codeblocks does not have anything like a "target directory" so this was the only solution). This limitation will be permanent I'm afraid as all of the solutions I tried failed terribly and this restriction was necessery. The use of a workspace and multiple projects is the solution to the above limitation. For single target projects the above is not necessesary.
  • I've tested it with Qt 4.1.0, MinGW, WinXP and Qt 3.3.5, gcc and icc, Suse Linux 9.3
  • If you change compilers after having built your project once, distclean the project for the new compiler to be used.
  • If you modify the .pro file by hand make sure that the modifications are outside the identifiers used in the file, else your changes will be lost

As you realize it's still an alpha release so the project files generator needs to be tested more extensively. I 've used some qt examples that come with qt installation and all of my qt projects and they built flawlesly, but that's still just a small amount of testing so I need more feedback. So the main thing is after you are comfortable with it build as many qt projects as possible and provide some feedback.

Anyway I'm waiting for your suggestions and feedback, hopefully something usefull will come out ;)

Update 05/02/2006
Changed the build process as mandrav suggested (new zip file attached the old one removed), this is a major step and made the plugin cleaner, with just a few lines of code. It seems that I'll keep the current layout except if someone suggests something else that worths consideration. I'll be working on the layout, the user friendliness and making the code safe (remove possible crashes etc.) The first thing that I want to finish with is build funcionality for both linux and windows, Qt 3.x and 4.x
Update 13/02/2006
The plugin should be stable, no crashes anymore.
I updated the code to meet with codeblocks new compiler identification (ids instead of indexes)
I did a lot of testing on linux using Qt 3.3 and fixed some minor issues presented there, so as of this release linux is also supported :) (you can also find a linux project file in the latest one)
The plugin recognizes the selected compiler
Some minor issues with single target compilation (not storing the .pro file correctly, wrong output path) were fixed.
No more empty entries in the .pro file.
Added some dialogs to inform the user of what's going wrong (if anything)
Update 15/02/2006
New plugin framework (registering plugin name)
Minor update to the options dialog resource file (was a little mess under linux)
Update 01/05/2006
Every action is done against the current target (not project as it was)
Supports Distcleaning the project (usefull when changing compilers)
Added workspace support
Added support for editing the generated .pro file by hand in the editor
Fixed the bug with external libs not being linked.
Fixed a typo in .pro files
Update 18/07/2006
Changed the resource file loading process to the new one.
Update 18/07/2006
Changed the output filename in windows.
Update 10/09/2006
Sources under svn, compatibility broken due to latest C::B API changes
Update 16/09/2006
Compatibility restored... I won't write any more updates in this post as they were used like a changelog between versions attached here. If there are any major changes I 'll make a new post (minor in the svn logs ;))

Sources available at:
Using svn get them with (be carefull of wrapping):
svn checkout [C::B sources dir]/src/plugins/contrib/qtworkbench