Author Topic: New features requests: improve code browsing  (Read 4651 times)


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New features requests: improve code browsing
« on: June 09, 2006, 09:17:25 am »
Now, when you click on a call to a function and press right button, in the context menu appears new items "Find declaration of: <function name>" and "Find implementation of: <function name>". I have noticed this items doesn't appear when you click over a local variable or a function parameter. It would be great to have this feature with variables as well.

Another useful feature related to this one is to add a new item when you click on a function declaration (or implementation): "Find caller". A list with the places of code where there's a call to this function should then be showed on a pop-up list.

On the other hand, I have seen when you click on "Find implementation of ...", you go to the implementation but you need a defined bookmark to come back to the caller. Having some "automatic bookmarks" with a "forward" and "backwards" icons to navigate between them (just as internet browsers do) might also be useful.

And, at last, a final request. Add a new tab to Messages window: "context". When you click on "Find implementation of ..." instead of going to the implementation, put it on the new tab! Just like having two editor windows: the main code window and the auxiliary one (smaller, just to fit in the messages window).

Sorry for the long post!