Author Topic: Compiling behavior  (Read 3924 times)

Offline DarkHorizon

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Compiling behavior
« on: May 22, 2006, 03:38:01 pm »
Hi all,

(I would have checked BerliOS, but I registered and re-requested the authorization email, and no email comes to me, so I am only posting here...)

I am using the latest nightly build (20 May 2006), but I have noted this behavior in earlier builds. I did not notice whether this behavior exists or not with the build from the main site download.

The behavior I have noted is that, when a particular file is open, all files that use it as a dependency are compiled at build-time. For example, if I have:
- files main.cpp, somelib.h, and somelib.cpp in my project
- somelib.cpp and main.cpp both #include somelib.h preprocessor reference
- files main.cpp and somelib.h are open in the IDE

In this case, when I Build, both cpp files will compile, regardless if they are up-to-date or not. The behavior I have come to expect, is only to have build those source files whose object files are out-of-date.

I understand this is a seemingly small thing, but when you have a project where a dozen source files share the same header due to class inheritance, and you accidentally leave its .h file open at compile time, it becomes a nightmare :o
