Hi all,
thanks for this very nice looking and good to use IDE,
i appreciate to look forward to new bugfixed versions ...
but i have a small problem, maybe some of you had the same
and already found a solution or just the proper config switch.
The problem:
i get no console window, when debugging an ordinary console application
therefore, i can't see, what the debuggee prints out to stdout.
MinGW ,
gcc version 3.4.2
gdb version 6.3
How to produce:
1) i start with
File -> New Project -> Console Application (C++) -> Create
name: new_console -> Save
2) edit main.cpp to
that it looks like
#include <iostream>
int main()
int i = 7;
i += 28;
i /= 3;
std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl;
std::cout << " : " << i << " : " << std::endl;
std::cout << "done." << std::endl;
return 0;
3) set build options:
Project -> Build options
select Target: default
Compiler options: check "Produce debugging symbols"
4.) build the default target:
Select Build target: default
Rebuild (Ctrl F11)
5.) set a breakpoint at line 7
6) start debugger ( F8 )
everything works perfectly you can step through with Debug -> Next (F7)
watches, Local variables, everything works as expected,
as you can see here
but i can't see a console window anywhere !!PLEASE HELP me
what i'm doing wrong
