Author Topic: on WxWindows (version and some...)  (Read 6231 times)


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on WxWindows (version and some...)
« on: March 31, 2006, 01:56:39 pm »
What version of WxWindows does wx.dll /w CodeBlocks support? It seems that the latest version of WxWIndows is 2.6.3. Does Codeblocks support WxWindows 2.6.3 or WxWindows 2.4.2?


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Re: on WxWindows (version and some...)
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2006, 02:03:41 pm »
What version of WxWindows does wx.dll /w CodeBlocks support? It seems that the latest version of WxWIndows is 2.6.3. Does Codeblocks support WxWindows 2.6.3 or WxWindows 2.4.2?

Officially wx 2.6.2 (we have a few layout problems with 2.6.3). wx 2.4.2 is not supported. You cannot compile C::B with 2.4.2 without modifying the code. Personnaly I use C::B with wx 2.6.3.