I think I've found a fix : adding AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([m4]) after LT_INIT (configure.ac line 27) seems to do the job.
This fix works : I have succeeded in building Code::Blocks for Ubuntu 22.04 and 23.04 (the build for 22.10 has been rejected saying that it was an obsolete version that won't accept new updated

I' post a diff ASAP : I also have to modify the "setup_control.sh" file as ubuntu's wxWidgets dependencies for a version are not the same that the debian version it was created from.
I have another question regarding building with ppa : I saw in the "official" ppa (
https://launchpad.net/~codeblocks-devs ) that it was possible to launch builds for both i386 and amd64.
My ppa has i386 enabled, but as I create the source package on a 64bits VM of Ubuntu, it only launch amd64 builds.
I tried to modify manually the buildinfo file before signing the changes, replacing "Build-Architecture: amd64" by "Build-Architecture: i386 amd64", and updating the checksums in the ".changes" file.
Then I launched the "signing and uploading" process witch succeeded.
But I didn't received any acceptance or rejection mail as usual so I think the source package wasn't accepted.
Does anyone know how to specify both i386 and amd64 when creating the source package ?
I have also tested with "debuild -ai386" but it didn't worked : the sousrce package was created for amd64.