Get quick announcements through the RSS feed link to the unicode windows wxWidget dll for Code::Blocks : those who might need this one (when no MingW installed on your system) : the mingw10m.dll : support of ansi builds, a link to the ansi windows wxWidget dll for Code::Blocks : The 03 March 2006 build is out.
- Windows : - Linux : not supported yet
Resolved Fixed:
- fixed some missing includes
- Re-enabled codecompletion parsing thread. Also, a single tokens store is used for the whole workspace, instead of one per-project. This lowers the memory needs a *lot*
- XP manifest plugin cleanup (patch #858)
- Updated C/C++ lexer (patch #882).
* Updated F77 lexer (patch #885).
* Updated RC lexer (patch #886).
* Added MatLab lexer (patch #883) - Added button "Switch to selected" in the debugger's callstack dialog. It allows the user to switch between stack frames and examine the currently selected frame like it was currently running

- Removed buttons from debugger's callstack dialog. Replaced them with a context menu instead
- Added "Change value" in debugger's watches tree context menu to allow changing the value of variables
- Added "Debug->Debugging windows->Examine memory". Not much for now, just dumps 256 bytes starting from the address passed. It will get better though

Regressions/Confirmed/Annoying/Common bugs:
- DDE bug : clicking in windows explorer on a CB registered file throws an error message box
- toolbar-images-not-changing-state (is a wx problem)
- there are several issues with Code Completion (is being redesigned : work in progress)