What are the steps to make UCRT64 a compiler.
I suspect clangd_client is not finding a master path for this compiler you setup and disables itself.
1) Start with the default MINGW64 compiler setup (working clangd plugin)
2) In Setting->Compiler Copy the MINGW64 and call it UCRT64
3) In Global Complier Setting -> Toolchain executable set the Compiler's installation directory: Set the new directory (MSYS is using c:\msys64\ucrt64 ) All the program .exe are still valid
4) Click Set as default
5) in the Setting->Configure Editor -> Clangd client -> C/C++ parser -> Specify clangd executable to use I have C:\msys64\ucrt64\bin\clangd.exe (the autodetect is not complaining)
6) close CB and reopen it. No error message or warning is shown.
Now clangd is disabled and it is not possible to re-enable it. If you re-enable clangd using Plugin->Manage Plugins the " View->Toolbar->clangd_client" is absent
At the moment I'm still using MINGW64 as the defalut compiler and I'm changng the compiler to UCRT64 in my projects using Project->build options-select compiler and everything works well.
In all my testing the clangd executable is correctly set. I installed the mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-clang-tools-extra package using pacman (latest version). Please note: the old Mingw64 installation was deleted, now I'm using ucrt64 only.
My guess is clangd executable is not set to a valid value.
The clangd executable was always set to a valid one. The autodetect is not complaining and no warning is present opening CB.
Hope this helps