there is an unwanted change to the cbp file, when using the glob feature, I think there are 2 things wrong:
* it should not be enumerating al the files, the goal is to keep the cbp stable and it picks up all the files within the specified glob directories, the cbp file is also in version control systems, one does not want this to change, this is totally the opposite of the goal of the feature when I added this
* next to this it seems to have bugs with those IDs as you can see below (but since this must disappear wrt the first remark, it will be solved by design :-) )
- <UnitsGlob directory="../export/" recursive="1" wildcard="" />
- <UnitsGlob directory="../local/" recursive="1" wildcard="" />
+ <UnitsGlob directory="../export/" wildcard="" recursive="1" id="769713912" />
+ <UnitsGlob directory="../local/" wildcard="" recursive="1" id="3282429397" />
+ <Unit filename="../export/RepeatingTask/RepeatingTaskFactory.h">
+ <Option glob="769713912" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="../export/RepeatingTask/RepeatingTaskIf.h">
+ <Option glob="769713912" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="../local/RepeatingTask.cpp">
+ <Option glob="-1012537899" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="../local/RepeatingTask.h">
+ <Option glob="-1012537899" />
+ </Unit>
+ <Unit filename="../local/RepeatingTaskFactory.cpp">
+ <O
the 2 ids handed out to the to directories : the oned used for export is reused for files underneath that directory, but the one for local is not used, instead those files end up with a negative ID.
But as said, there should be no enumeration of files in the cbp in this case, and those IDs and I also not sure if this is a wanted feature...
If for some reason as a role of caching this list would be needed, then I would suggest to put it in the layout file, or create an extra similar 'temporary' file.
EDIT : even a third problem is present, when opening the cbp file again, just rebuild everything, again it said the cbp file was changed (while it had it nicely saved the previous time it told me this).