Author Topic: Code::Blocks future ?  (Read 21236 times)

Offline jean-raphael

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Code::Blocks future ?
« on: March 16, 2022, 02:18:43 pm »
well I hope this post can bring the necessary to greatly improve codeblocks

two days, it took me two days to test and then quit codeblocks.
this software is unfortunately very far from being a proffesional ide

everything gives me the impression to work on a software that is stuck in the past.

Seriously, there are a lot of problems with codeblocks.

the first one is the file management, who thought that it was a good idea to display a different tree than the one on the disk. Why virtual folders and not real ones? Seriously, is it too hard to create a simple folder from the interface?

The tools and help are practically absent, the autocompletion works very badly, you just have to write variable. and impossible to find the associated functions. There is no sytactic correction even though it is the basis of an ide.

And the interface is really questionable, whether it is the display of error in a table, perfect to see nothing, the tiny buttons of wxsmith. In addition the interface is difficult to customize, on windows put a simple dark theme is almost impossible.

Why use a terminal for the output ? it's too complicated to display the console in a tab integrated in the interface like literally all other ide ?

to say it differently codeblocks is really bad
and I'm sad to see that open-source tools for c / cpp development are so little evolved.
If you want to become a good ide you will probably have to rethink and redesign everything
or at least there is a lot of work to update it

obviously this is my opinion, but I don't think I'm the only one

Offline BlueHazzard

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Re: Code::Blocks future ?
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2022, 03:46:31 pm »
In general i do not answer this kind of topics, but today i am in a really bad mood so...
 This is a open source project, we all have normal day to day jobs to gain money to live. If you want complain ok, you can do it, but the energy to complain is a lot more invested in trying to fix things instead of ranting... We lack manpower and time here that is true....

well I hope this post can bring the necessary to greatly improve codeblocks
No, a rant post (See title and attitude in your text) will not do this. Working on the project and giving critical feedback will do it. The will to test will do it.

the first one is the file management, who thought that it was a good idea to display a different tree than the one on the disk. Why virtual folders and not real ones? Seriously, is it too hard to create a simple folder from the interface?
You can create folders in the file tab from the same panel.
This is simply a different UI concept: The project tab can have virtual folders or represent file system folders. and has nothing to do if it is "hard".
So you can organize your code differently in your project from the organization on the disk... If you want it or not, this was a design choose...
You do not like it? Well codeblocks was written before the whole "simplify things" and is customizable. You can switch it by an right click on the workspace -> Project tree-> different settings. But i guess you are not the kind of explorer....

The tools and help are practically absent, the autocompletion works very badly, you just have to write variable. and impossible to find the associated functions. There is no sytactic correction even though it is the basis of an ide.
Yes we know this and work on it. See the Clang code completion plugin posted in the nightly forum. It is rough and has edges, but we work on it. Feel free to help!

And the interface is really questionable, whether it is the display of error in a table, perfect to see nothing, the tiny buttons of wxsmith. In addition the interface is difficult to customize, on windows put a simple dark theme is almost impossible.
You work on a high dpi monitor? Well i have not the money for this kind of gagets, so i can not test and fix the tiny buttons in wxSmith... But you can set bigger buttons in the settings.
Why are errors in a table questionable? How would you like to display them? Errors have a tabular structure: Type, Line, File, Message...  You can also enable the html log in the compiler settings or you can look at the raw output in the build log tab... But also here feel free to give constructive critique.. Simply saying it is terrible without giving ANY hint how to do it better is lazy as f.
Why we do not have a dark theme is answered countless times here...

Why use a terminal for the output ? it's too complicated to display the console in a tab integrated in the interface like literally all other ide ?
Yes it is. Have you spent only 3 seconds to check what a terminal has to do? If you really want the output in a tab, you can register a tool in the tools+ plugin, that runs your code in a tab output...
I guess, this would be a nice beginner ticket for you. Start coding a tab for console output in codeblocks in a tab. Feel free to see how much work it is to make it right....

and I'm sad to see that open-source tools for c / cpp development are so little evolved.
If you want to become a good ide you will probably have to rethink and redesign everything
or at least there is a lot of work to update it
Hey feel free to do the work.....

obviously this is my opinion, but I don't think I'm the only one
Obviously not, but also obviously no one will help by providing time and help the project....

I see this a lot lately, also in the JS world... Every one thinks Open source has to provide top notch performance for absolutely nothing... Open source needs people to work on problems....

This is only my rant on a very bad day.... Fell free to ignore it, but please consider to provide help and code for codeblocks!

[Edit:] Instead of ranting here i should have fixed bugs in codeblocks where the time is used better....

« Last Edit: March 16, 2022, 03:48:11 pm by BlueHazzard »

Offline jean-raphael

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Re: Code::Blocks future ?
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2022, 04:06:52 pm »
if i want to help, ok, but where to start there is some work to acheve .

i am verry sorry for make ou feel bad, it was not my intention but if you want to know i d'ont fell very go to.

I already know "open source "sound like magic but it is not

by this post i d'ont want to complain,  i want to understand and help where it useful

ah , for me , why start working on codeblocks or just make vs code extentions that will do the job ?

« Last Edit: March 16, 2022, 04:41:08 pm by jean-raphael »

Online stahta01

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Re: Code::Blocks future ?
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2022, 08:34:02 pm »

If you really want to help the first thing to learn is how to build Code::Blocks from source.

And, based off the feedback you already got see if there are C::B settings that do what you want to do.

Edit: Add link to DPI thread,21119.msg145906.html#msg145906

Edit2: Add wx link

Tim S.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2022, 09:58:16 pm by stahta01 »
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Offline Krice

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Re: Code::Blocks future ?
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2022, 01:49:18 pm »
In general i do not answer this kind of topics, but today i am in a really bad mood so... This is a open source project, we all have normal day to day jobs to gain money to live.

I dislike it when people say this is not my job or this is "just" an open source project. It's the worst way to respond to any comments or requests, even if they are poorly thought like in this case. Sometimes I wonder why some people are in open source development if they hate it so much? I personally think Code::Blocks is fine, but it could be better for sure.

Offline BlueHazzard

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Re: Code::Blocks future ?
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2022, 02:20:49 pm »
I dislike it when people say this is not my job or this is "just" an open source project. It's the worst way to respond to any comments or requests, even if they are poorly thought like in this case. Sometimes I wonder why some people are in open source development if they hate it so much?
I have nothing (au contraire, i encourage!) posts with constructive critique, like "this does not work, when i do that" or "can you add this feature" or "this is missing" ecc...

For every forum post i read i have 4 assumptions i keep in my mind
1) Not every one (including me) speaks English as native, some language sound "rude" when you translate them to english so do not put to many weight in how wording "sounds"
2) No one wants to be rude, or "offending", if he seeks help in a forum post he wants to change or improve something and this is good. If it sounds rude, see 1)
3) Be as open as possible and try to think like the other. If someone asks a way to do things, try to do it his way. Point out that there could be a better way, but then try to support him also on his bad way, i certainly do not know all his details so be open
4) i do not care about politics and political correctness because this is a technical forum and here should be only discussed technical things, if this offends someone, not my problem

But then comes this post with this kind of wording
who thought that it was a good idea to display a different tree than the one on the disk. Why virtual folders and not real ones? Seriously, is it too hard to create a simple folder from the interface?
specially the "Seriously, is it too hard to create a simple folder from the interface"  is worded as disrespectful  as it can be. Regardless my points on top. This is rude and not needed... If it would be worded like
"how can i display the hard disk file structure in the project tree" or "is it possible to create folders on hard disk from the project tree" or "what are the design decisions to not mirror the hard disk file structure in the project tree" i have no problem and i will answer and help happily...

[end of rant]

Offline AndrewCot

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Re: Code::Blocks future ?
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2022, 12:57:03 am »
I personally think Code::Blocks is fine, but it could be better for sure.

I personally think Code::Blocks is fine, but it could be better for sure.
You should grab the source and start helping out fixing things, but first you need to read up and find out:
  • Find the manual and WIKI and read up on the things you do not like to see if they are already implemented in case the option is not easily found
  • How to get the latest source code.
  • Find out how to build C::B.
  • Find  out how debug C::B.
  • Find out how to submit changes..
  • Check the latest source code to see if it includes changes you want and itf it does figure out how to enable/disable what you .
  • if the code does not include what you want then you fix it and submit a change

Offline Krice

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Re: Code::Blocks future ?
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2022, 10:38:55 am »
You should grab the source and start helping out fixing things, but first

Let's figure out two main problems with this:

1. Open source projects like Code::Blocks already have a development team. Why should I or any random dude fix your problems and contribute to the development? This is your project. Why don't -you- fix those problems and add the missing features?

2. Most if not all (big) open source projects are quite messy and can be difficult to work on. So it's not just like you download the source and start programming. No, it's not that simple. You need to dive in deep to understand how it works, how it's built etc. even before you can improve it. Besides it's quite obvious that many of Code::Blocks users have our own projects which is the main focus for us. I'm working on 5 roguelike game projects and a pixel editor at the same time. I'm not whining anyone to help me with them.

Offline AndrewCot

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Re: Code::Blocks future ?
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2022, 10:54:31 pm »
Have you ever taken the time to fix any C::B issue you have come across or supplied a patch to implement something you wanted done?

Offline mq77mwn3

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Re: Code::Blocks future ?
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2022, 05:11:31 am »
If CodeBlocks doesn't work for you then just use another IDE that works for you. CodeBlocks and other community projects will remain what they are if you can't submit new patches. If you don't have the ability to create new patches (students learning programming, finding a suitable IDE, like me), then just continue finding another IDE.

If they rejected your patches, then this is where a fork begin. DevCpp has many forks now. IMO, CodeBlocks code completion is bad but not as bad as any current forks of DevCpp. The code completion simply doesn't work on DevCpp.

Offline Krice

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Re: Code::Blocks future ?
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2022, 01:22:50 pm »
If CodeBlocks doesn't work for you then just use another IDE that works for you.

That option doesn't really mean you can't say something is not that great in Code::Blocks. I'm using both Visual Studio and Code::Blocks. How about that, didn't think that was possible. I find it curious that trying to discuss about open source development and the logic behind it always seem to result to comments like this: "try to fork it yourself" or "use another program". It's almost like a religion you can't approach by logic. I don't know about you, but I find it strange.

Offline jordi

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Re: Code::Blocks future ?
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2022, 10:50:27 pm »
I don't know the future of code::blocks because my crystal ball, to know the future, doesn't work.
All I know is that there are people that does code::blocks better each time they do a commit in the repository.
I only want to say "thank you very much"

Online stahta01

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Re: Code::Blocks future ?
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2022, 04:37:20 am »
You should grab the source and start helping out fixing things, but first

Let's figure out two main problems with this:

1. Open source projects like Code::Blocks already have a development team. Why should I or any random dude fix your problems and contribute to the development? This is your project. Why don't -you- fix those problems and add the missing features?

2. Most if not all (big) open source projects are quite messy and can be difficult to work on. So it's not just like you download the source and start programming. No, it's not that simple. You need to dive in deep to understand how it works, how it's built etc. even before you can improve it. Besides it's quite obvious that many of Code::Blocks users have our own projects which is the main focus for us. I'm working on 5 roguelike game projects and a pixel editor at the same time. I'm not whining anyone to help me with them.

Why should the Code::Blocks volunteers fix problems from users?

If the user, cannot at least make a good description of the problem in order to duplicate it, then it is a great waste of effort to work on the issue!

If the user seems to have not even read the wiki then it is likely a waste of time trying to help the user compared with fixing known problems.

Edit: I do not mean ignore the user; but, directing them to the wiki pages is likely the most useful non time wasting thing to do.

Tim S.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2022, 04:45:32 am by stahta01 »
C Programmer working to learn more about C++ and Git.
On Windows 7 64 bit and Windows 10 64 bit.
When in doubt, read the CB WiKi FAQ.

Offline AndrewCot

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Re: Code::Blocks future ?
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2022, 05:12:57 am »
Check out the users previous posts over the years and see what you think.

Offline Miguel Gimenez

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Re: Code::Blocks future ?
« Reply #14 on: May 12, 2022, 07:40:38 pm »
Then, why are you still here?