Dear all,
Sorry if this question is too naive. Anyway, I hope I can get your help, and I also hope this will be useful to others.
I am used to the 'console' in Rstudio, for instance (also in Scilab, Matlab,...), meaning an interactive command-line interface in which you can execute commands or functions belonging to either system, user-defined or third-party libraries that have been previously included/loaded/defined/declared in the current session.
I find this sort of console very useful, since it allows the programmer to check whether the functions they coded behave as expected or not.
I know that C works differently, since programs need to be compiled before being called/used/recognised.
Anyway, how can I get a sort of 'console' where I can 'play' with the functions I am building or using, either in Code::Blocks or outside it? My OS is Windows 10.
Should I just open a DOS console and use my functions (previously compiled), or do I need to have something else into account?
I look forward to your answers.
In case it helps, the functions I am interested in testing are bundled in an 'h' header. After compiling my current project, I have an 'o' file for each of my libraries, but only an 'exe' file for the main routine, as expected.
I understand that I cannot 'play' with my functions without previously compiling them, can I?