Currently the GDB shipping with MinGW32 and MinGW64 is v8.1 that has issues. I have found that the following GitHub repo has GDB V10.2 that work with MinGW32 and MinGW64. I tried packages from MSYS2 and the packages were linked with other MSYS2 packages and as such I gavee up on them. Now for the query is:
What should be done for people who install MinGW via the installer?
- Pop up a dialog with info on how to upgrade GDB if they select to Mingw to install
- Pop up a dialog with a link to a C::B forum post that has info on how to upgrade GDB if they select to Mingw to install
- Add a warning in the installer that GDB does not work properly if they select to Mingw to install and ....
- Add an option to upgrade GDB if they select Mingw to be installed.
- Something else?
Please note that I have not done allot of testing with the GDB from GitHUb with the exception of testing that the issues in ticket 1020 do not occur when I used the updated GDB.