Author Topic: CodeBlocks Get Stuck at Cmd Line "XRC Resource debugger_toolbar_16 Not Found"  (Read 5720 times)

Offline k10blogger

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So i am using the following:

CodeBlocks Version: 17.12
Build: Dec 25 2017 - wx 2.8.12

OS - Windows 7

The command i run on PowerShell is as follows:
cmd /C "C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\codeblocks.exe" /na /nd /ns --target="Release" --rebuild --verbose "sim_offline\CB_WS\EOSA.workspace"

There seems to be some issue in loading the XRC Resources debugger_toolbar and debugger_toolbar_16x16
When i run this from command line i get the following error and stays there till okay is not pressed

 XRC Resource "debugger_toolbar' (class:wxToolbarAddOn) not found!

If i go to the view and change the following to small icon (16x16) in toolbar
Then the error i get is
 XRC Resource "debugger_toolbar_16x16' (class:wxToolbarAddOn) not found!

This is a problem for me as when running the command line from gitlab runner there is no way of suppressing this CodeBlocks Error and it remains open and never returns nor complete the compilation.

Any suggestion on how to move ahead.

Offline BlueHazzard

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Updating codeblocks is no possibility? 17.12 is old...

Also if you need only the build part, why not deinstall/disable the debugger plugin? In Settings->Plugins

Offline AndrewCot

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If you are running Win 7 32 bit could you try one of the 32 bit Windows releases on the following page:

If you try the 20.03 32 bit release and it still does not work then there is a Win 7 32 bit nightly build link in,24487.msg167041.html#msg167041 post which you could try.

If you are running Win 7 64 bit could you try one of the 64 bit Windows releases on the page above or if you have about 5 to 10 minutes to install the nightly build it can be downloaded from the following forum:,20.0.html

You will need to download the the three following 7z files:
A link to the unicode windows wxWidget dll(s) for Code::Blocks :
A link to Mingw64 dll's needed by Code::Blocks :
The 20 June 2021 build is out:

If you do not have a program to uncompress 7Zip you the two free Windows GUi's that I have used are:                           - Also available for Linux and I use it on Linux      - Download the relevant 21.02 release for Windows

Offline k10blogger

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Updating codeblocks is no possibility? 17.12 is old...

Also if you need only the build part, why not deinstall/disable the debugger plugin? In Settings->Plugins

Hi i tried disabling the debugger plugin but the issue remains the same.
I was able to make the issue non blocking by removing the
I will upgrade to the newer version now as suggested by both of you and come back in case issue persists.