OS: Windows 7 64bit
1) install MSYS2
https://www.msys2.org/ - run msys2-terminal and run for update all packages (if need)
- run msys2-terminal and run to install packages:
$pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gdb mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc mingw-w64-x86_64-boost zip svn
2) download latest wxWidgets-3.1.4 from
https://www.wxwidgets.org/downloads/ - if use wget.exe
wget.exe -P "h:\i\CB_src\s\" "https://github.com/wxWidgets/wxWidgets/releases/download/v3.1.4/wxWidgets-3.1.4.zip" -N --compression=auto -l 16 -t 0 --retry-connrefused -e robots=off -np -x --max-redirect=60 --no-if-modified-since -o "wget_wx.log"
3) download latest C::B IDE src from
https://svn.code.sf.net/p/codeblocks/code/trunk/ - if use wget.exe
[more bad idea for more download files] wget.exe -P "h:\i\CB_src\s\" "http://svn.code.sf.net/p/codeblocks/code/trunk/" -N -r --compression=auto -l 16 -t 0 --retry-connrefused -e robots=off -np -x --max-redirect=60 --no-if-modified-since -o "wget_cb.log"
- use
svn.exe, before start need open in your system firewall ports only svn.exe uotput rules TCP 80,443,3690
svn.exe co --username you svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/codeblocks/code/trunk
4) compile wxWidgets
4.1) create powershell file: I.ps1
chcp 65001
#$path_msys32 = "H:/I/msys32" ## <== change whereis MSYS2 save files
$path_msys64 = "H:/I/msys64" ## <== change whereis MSYS2 save files
$path_wx = "H:/I/CB_src/wxgtk" ## <== change whereis saved latest unpacked wxWidgets files
cd ($path_wx + "/build/msw")
##-- 32 bit
# $path_mingw32="$path_msys32/mingw32"
# $env:path +=";" + $path_mingw32
# $env:path +=";$path_mingw32\bin"
# $env:path +=";$path_mingw32\include"
##-- 64 bit
$env:path +=";" + $path_mingw64
$env:path +=";$path_mingw64\bin"
$env:path +=";$path_mingw64\include"
#-- Before compile I change params in $path_wx/build/msw/config.gcc
#-- add _MSC_VER=1928 for enable direct2D but this not work
#-- need run if rebuild
mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc clean
if(Test-Path -PathType Container "$path_wx\lib\gcc_dll") {
#del "$path_wx\lib\gcc_dll"
rm -r -fo "$path_wx\lib\gcc_dll"
echo "`n-----------------------------------------------`n"
#-- need run once before compile
mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc setup_h
echo "`n-----------------------------------------------`n"
#-- build all wxWidgets
#-- recommends for arg -j#:
#-- -j(cores in CPU / 2) if cores >= 4
#-- not use this arg if cores >= 2
#mingw32-make -j4 -f makefile.gcc
mingw32-make -j2 -f makefile.gcc
echo "`n-----------------------------------------------`n"
#-- need if not found zip.exe in Windows
#$path_system32 = $env:ComSpec
#$path_system32 = $path_system32.SubString(0, $path_system32.Length-7)
#cd $path_system32
#$creds = Get-Credential
$arg = "/c" +
"mklink zip.exe $path_msys64\usr\bin\zip.exe" +
"& mklink msys-2.0.dll $path_msys64\usr\bin\msys-2.0.dll" +
"& mklink msys-bz2-1.dll $path_msys64\usr\bin\msys-bz2-1.dll"
Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList $arg -Verb runas
echo "`n-----------------------------------------------`n"
4.2) Need change file: H:\I\CB_src\wxgtk\include\wx\msw\setup.h
0 to in the #else case as well.
1 4.3) run compile:
click double on I.ps1
5) run current C::B IDE
5.1) Open workspace file
## 32 bit
#- open file in C::B IDE: "H:\I\CB_src\s\svn.code.sf.net\p\codeblocks\code\trunk\src\CodeBlocks_wx31.workspace"
## OR
## 64 bit
- open file in C::B IDE: "H:\I\CB_src\s\svn.code.sf.net\p\codeblocks\code\trunk\src\CodeBlocks_wx31_64.workspace"
5.2) take button build or rebuild
and look this ERRORS
https://ibb.co/Xz44qHchttps://ibb.co/bLLtpcjhttps://ibb.co/MhxWvrnhttps://ibb.co/4pDmnDyhttps://ibb.co/xgzdR0kexpired 30 days