hello, I'm brazillian, so sorry for the write.
I have a problem, I created a function telaInicio(), in her I need create several perfils of class Perfil.
Then I have this message, when I create the second Perfil. What can I do?
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): std::bad_alloc
Here the function:
void telaInicio(RedeSocial* r1){
int opcaoinicio=0;
cout << r1->quantidadeDePerfis;
cout << endl << "Escolha uma opcao: ";
cout << endl << "1) Cadastar Perfil ";
cout << endl << "2) Cadastrar Disciplina";
cout << endl << "3) Logar";
cout << endl << "0) Terminar " << endl;
cin >> opcaoinicio;
if (opcaoinicio==1){
int numerouspper=0;
string nomeper="";
string emailper="";
string respprofessor="";
cout << endl << "Informe os dados do perfil " << endl;
cout << "Numero USP: ";
cin >> numerouspper;
cout << "Nome: ";
cin >> nomeper;
cout << "Email: ";
cin >> emailper;
cout << "Professor (s/n): ";
cin >> respprofessor;
if (respprofessor=="n"){
Perfil* p1= new Perfil(numerouspper,nomeper,emailper);
cout << "Departamento: ";
cin >> respprofessor;